diff .cms/lib/codemirror/mode/stex/index.html @ 0:78edf6b517a0 draft

author Coffee CMS <info@coffee-cms.ru>
date Fri, 11 Oct 2024 22:40:23 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.cms/lib/codemirror/mode/stex/index.html	Fri Oct 11 22:40:23 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<title>CodeMirror: sTeX mode</title>
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+<h2>sTeX mode</h2>
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+  \frametitle{Size Lemma for Balanced Trees}
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item
+    \begin{assertion}[id=size-lemma,type=lemma] 
+    Let $G=\tup{V,E}$ be a \termref[cd=binary-trees]{balanced binary tree} 
+    of \termref[cd=graph-depth,name=vertex-depth]{depth}$n>i$, then the set
+     $\defeq{\livar{V}i}{\setst{\inset{v}{V}}{\gdepth{v} = i}}$ of
+    \termref[cd=graphs-intro,name=node]{nodes} at 
+    \termref[cd=graph-depth,name=vertex-depth]{depth} $i$ has
+    \termref[cd=cardinality,name=cardinality]{cardinality} $\power2i$.
+   \end{assertion}
+  \item
+    \begin{sproof}[id=size-lemma-pf,proofend=,for=size-lemma]{via induction over the depth $i$.}
+      \begin{spfcases}{We have to consider two cases}
+        \begin{spfcase}{$i=0$}
+          \begin{spfstep}[display=flow]
+            then $\livar{V}i=\set{\livar{v}r}$, where $\livar{v}r$ is the root, so
+            $\eq{\card{\livar{V}0},\card{\set{\livar{v}r}},1,\power20}$.
+          \end{spfstep}
+        \end{spfcase}
+        \begin{spfcase}{$i>0$}
+          \begin{spfstep}[display=flow]
+           then $\livar{V}{i-1}$ contains $\power2{i-1}$ vertexes 
+           \begin{justification}[method=byIH](IH)\end{justification}
+          \end{spfstep}
+          \begin{spfstep}
+           By the \begin{justification}[method=byDef]definition of a binary
+              tree\end{justification}, each $\inset{v}{\livar{V}{i-1}}$ is a leaf or has
+            two children that are at depth $i$.
+          \end{spfstep}
+          \begin{spfstep}
+           As $G$ is \termref[cd=balanced-binary-trees,name=balanced-binary-tree]{balanced} and $\gdepth{G}=n>i$, $\livar{V}{i-1}$ cannot contain
+            leaves.
+          \end{spfstep}
+          \begin{spfstep}[type=conclusion]
+           Thus $\eq{\card{\livar{V}i},{\atimes[cdot]{2,\card{\livar{V}{i-1}}}},{\atimes[cdot]{2,\power2{i-1}}},\power2i}$.
+          \end{spfstep}
+        \end{spfcase}
+      \end{spfcases}
+    \end{sproof}
+  \item 
+    \begin{assertion}[id=fbbt,type=corollary]	
+      A fully balanced tree of depth $d$ has $\power2{d+1}-1$ nodes.
+    \end{assertion}
+  \item
+      \begin{sproof}[for=fbbt,id=fbbt-pf]{}
+        \begin{spfstep}
+          Let $\defeq{G}{\tup{V,E}}$ be a fully balanced tree
+        \end{spfstep}
+        \begin{spfstep}
+          Then $\card{V}=\Sumfromto{i}1d{\power2i}= \power2{d+1}-1$.
+        \end{spfstep}
+      \end{sproof}
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{frame}
+  \begin{omtext}[type=conclusion,for=binary-tree]
+    This shows that balanced binary trees grow in breadth very quickly, a consequence of
+    this is that they are very shallow (and this compute very fast), which is the essence of
+    the next result.
+  \end{omtext}
+%%% Local Variables: 
+%%% mode: LaTeX
+%%% TeX-master: "all"
+%%% End: \end{document}
+    <script>
+      var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {});
+    </script>
+    <p>sTeX mode supports this option:</p>
+    <d1>
+      <dt><code>inMathMode: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Whether to start parsing in math mode (default: <code>false</code>).</dd>
+    </d1>
+    <p><strong>MIME types defined:</strong> <code>text/x-stex</code>.</p>
+    <p><strong>Parsing/Highlighting Tests:</strong> <a href="../../test/index.html#stex_*">normal</a>,  <a href="../../test/index.html#verbose,stex_*">verbose</a>.</p>
+  </article>