diff .cms/lib/codemirror/mode/haskell-literate/index.html @ 0:78edf6b517a0 draft

author Coffee CMS <info@coffee-cms.ru>
date Fri, 11 Oct 2024 22:40:23 +0000
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line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.cms/lib/codemirror/mode/haskell-literate/index.html	Fri Oct 11 22:40:23 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<title>CodeMirror: Haskell-literate mode</title>
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+  <h2>Haskell literate mode</h2>
+  <form>
+    <textarea id="code" name="code">
+> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-}
+> import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
+> import Data.Maybe (isJust)
+> import Data.Text (Text)
+> import Text.Blaze ((!))
+> import qualified Data.Text as T
+> import qualified Happstack.Server as Happstack
+> import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
+> import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A
+> import Text.Digestive
+> import Text.Digestive.Blaze.Html5
+> import Text.Digestive.Happstack
+> import Text.Digestive.Util
+Simple forms and validation
+Let's start by creating a very simple datatype to represent a user:
+> data User = User
+>     { userName :: Text
+>     , userMail :: Text
+>     } deriving (Show)
+And dive in immediately to create a `Form` for a user. The `Form v m a` type
+has three parameters:
+- `v`: the type for messages and errors (usually a `String`-like type, `Text` in
+  this case);
+- `m`: the monad we are operating in, not specified here;
+- `a`: the return type of the `Form`, in this case, this is obviously `User`.
+> userForm :: Monad m => Form Text m User
+We create forms by using the `Applicative` interface. A few form types are
+provided in the `Text.Digestive.Form` module, such as `text`, `string`,
+In the `digestive-functors` library, the developer is required to label each
+field using the `.:` operator. This might look like a bit of a burden, but it
+allows you to do some really useful stuff, like separating the `Form` from the
+actual HTML layout.
+> userForm = User
+>     <$> "name" .: text Nothing
+>     <*> "mail" .: check "Not a valid email address" checkEmail (text Nothing)
+The `check` function enables you to validate the result of a form. For example,
+we can validate the email address with a really naive `checkEmail` function.
+> checkEmail :: Text -> Bool
+> checkEmail = isJust . T.find (== '@')
+More validation
+For our example, we also want descriptions of Haskell libraries, and in order to
+do that, we need package versions...
+> type Version = [Int]
+We want to let the user input a version number such as ``. This means we
+need to validate if the input `Text` is of this form, and then we need to parse
+it to a `Version` type. Fortunately, we can do this in a single function:
+`validate` allows conversion between values, which can optionally fail.
+`readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a` is a utility function imported from
+> validateVersion :: Text -> Result Text Version
+> validateVersion = maybe (Error "Cannot parse version") Success .
+>     mapM (readMaybe . T.unpack) . T.split (== '.')
+A quick test in GHCi:
+    ghci> validateVersion (T.pack "")
+    Success [0,3,2,1]
+    ghci> validateVersion (T.pack "0.oops")
+    Error "Cannot parse version"
+It works! This means we can now easily add a `Package` type and a `Form` for it:
+> data Category = Web | Text | Math
+>     deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Show)
+> data Package = Package Text Version Category
+>     deriving (Show)
+> packageForm :: Monad m => Form Text m Package
+> packageForm = Package
+>     <$> "name"     .: text Nothing
+>     <*> "version"  .: validate validateVersion (text (Just ""))
+>     <*> "category" .: choice categories Nothing
+>   where
+>     categories = [(x, T.pack (show x)) | x <- [minBound .. maxBound]]
+Composing forms
+A release has an author and a package. Let's use this to illustrate the
+composability of the digestive-functors library: we can reuse the forms we have
+written earlier on.
+> data Release = Release User Package
+>     deriving (Show)
+> releaseForm :: Monad m => Form Text m Release
+> releaseForm = Release
+>     <$> "author"  .: userForm
+>     <*> "package" .: packageForm
+As mentioned before, one of the advantages of using digestive-functors is
+separation of forms and their actual HTML layout. In order to do this, we have
+another type, `View`.
+We can get a `View` from a `Form` by supplying input. A `View` contains more
+information than a `Form`, it has:
+- the original form;
+- the input given by the user;
+- any errors that have occurred.
+It is this view that we convert to HTML. For this tutorial, we use the
+[blaze-html] library, and some helpers from the `digestive-functors-blaze`
+[blaze-html]: http://jaspervdj.be/blaze/
+Let's write a view for the `User` form. As you can see, we here refer to the
+different fields in the `userForm`. The `errorList` will generate a list of
+errors for the `"mail"` field.
+> userView :: View H.Html -> H.Html
+> userView view = do
+>     label     "name" view "Name: "
+>     inputText "name" view
+>     H.br
+>     errorList "mail" view
+>     label     "mail" view "Email address: "
+>     inputText "mail" view
+>     H.br
+Like forms, views are also composable: let's illustrate that by adding a view
+for the `releaseForm`, in which we reuse `userView`. In order to do this, we
+take only the parts relevant to the author from the view by using `subView`. We
+can then pass the resulting view to our own `userView`.
+We have no special view code for `Package`, so we can just add that to
+`releaseView` as well. `childErrorList` will generate a list of errors for each
+child of the specified form. In this case, this means a list of errors from
+`"package.name"` and `"package.version"`. Note how we use `foo.bar` to refer to
+nested forms.
+> releaseView :: View H.Html -> H.Html
+> releaseView view = do
+>     H.h2 "Author"
+>     userView $ subView "author" view
+>     H.h2 "Package"
+>     childErrorList "package" view
+>     label     "package.name" view "Name: "
+>     inputText "package.name" view
+>     H.br
+>     label     "package.version" view "Version: "
+>     inputText "package.version" view
+>     H.br
+>     label       "package.category" view "Category: "
+>     inputSelect "package.category" view
+>     H.br
+The attentive reader might have wondered what the type parameter for `View` is:
+it is the `String`-like type used for e.g. error messages.
+But wait! We have
+    releaseForm :: Monad m => Form Text m Release
+    releaseView :: View H.Html -> H.Html
+... doesn't this mean that we need a `View Text` rather than a `View Html`?  The
+answer is yes -- but having `View Html` allows us to write these views more
+easily with the `digestive-functors-blaze` library. Fortunately, we will be able
+to fix this using the `Functor` instance of `View`.
+    fmap :: Monad m => (v -> w) -> View v -> View w
+A backend
+To finish this tutorial, we need to be able to actually run this code. We need
+an HTTP server for that, and we use [Happstack] for this tutorial. The
+`digestive-functors-happstack` library gives about everything we need for this.
+[Happstack]: http://happstack.com/
+> site :: Happstack.ServerPart Happstack.Response
+> site = do
+>     Happstack.decodeBody $ Happstack.defaultBodyPolicy "/tmp" 4096 4096 4096
+>     r <- runForm "test" releaseForm
+>     case r of
+>         (view, Nothing) -> do
+>             let view' = fmap H.toHtml view
+>             Happstack.ok $ Happstack.toResponse $
+>                 template $
+>                     form view' "/" $ do
+>                         releaseView view'
+>                         H.br
+>                         inputSubmit "Submit"
+>         (_, Just release) -> Happstack.ok $ Happstack.toResponse $
+>             template $ do
+>                 css
+>                 H.h1 "Release received"
+>                 H.p $ H.toHtml $ show release
+> main :: IO ()
+> main = Happstack.simpleHTTP Happstack.nullConf site
+> template :: H.Html -> H.Html
+> template body = H.docTypeHtml $ do
+>     H.head $ do
+>         H.title "digestive-functors tutorial"
+>         css
+>     H.body body
+> css :: H.Html
+> css = H.style ! A.type_ "text/css" $ do
+>     "label {width: 130px; float: left; clear: both}"
+>     "ul.digestive-functors-error-list {"
+>     "    color: red;"
+>     "    list-style-type: none;"
+>     "    padding-left: 0px;"
+>     "}"
+    </textarea>
+  </form>
+  <p><strong>MIME types
+  defined:</strong> <code>text/x-literate-haskell</code>.</p>
+  <p>Parser configuration parameters recognized: <code>base</code> to
+  set the base mode (defaults to <code>"haskell"</code>).</p>
+  <script>
+    var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {mode: "haskell-literate"});
+  </script>