diff .cms/lib/codemirror/doc/manual.html @ 0:78edf6b517a0 draft

author Coffee CMS <info@coffee-cms.ru>
date Fri, 11 Oct 2024 22:40:23 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.cms/lib/codemirror/doc/manual.html	Fri Oct 11 22:40:23 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,3761 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<title>CodeMirror 5 User Manual</title>
+<meta charset="utf-8"/>
+<link rel=stylesheet href="docs.css">
+<script src="activebookmark.js"></script>
+<script src="../lib/codemirror.js"></script>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="../lib/codemirror.css">
+<script src="../addon/runmode/runmode.js"></script>
+<script src="../addon/runmode/colorize.js"></script>
+<script src="../mode/javascript/javascript.js"></script>
+<script src="../mode/xml/xml.js"></script>
+<script src="../mode/css/css.js"></script>
+<script src="../mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js"></script>
+  dt { text-indent: -2em; padding-left: 2em; margin-top: 1em; }
+  dd { margin-left: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 1em; }
+  dt {margin-top: 1em;}
+  dd dl, dd dt, dd dd, dd ul { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }
+  dt + dt { margin-top: 0; }
+  dt.command { position: relative; }
+  span.keybinding { position: absolute; right: 0; font-size: 80%; color: #555; text-indent: 0; }
+<div id=nav>
+  <a href="https://codemirror.net/5"><h1>CodeMirror</h1><img id=logo src="logo.png"></a>
+  <ul>
+    <li><a href="../index.html">Home</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#overview" class=active data-default="true">Manual</a></li>
+    <li><a href="https://github.com/codemirror/codemirror5">Code</a></li>
+  </ul>
+  <ul>
+    <li><a href="#usage">Basic Usage</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#config">Configuration</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#events">Events</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#keymaps">Key maps</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#commands">Commands</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#styling">Customized Styling</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#api">Programming API</a>
+      <ul>
+        <li><a href="#api_constructor">Constructor</a></li>
+        <li><a href="#api_content">Content manipulation</a></li>
+        <li><a href="#api_selection">Selection</a></li>
+        <li><a href="#api_configuration">Configuration</a></li>
+        <li><a href="#api_doc">Document management</a></li>
+        <li><a href="#api_history">History</a></li>
+        <li><a href="#api_marker">Text-marking</a></li>
+        <li><a href="#api_decoration">Widget, gutter, and decoration</a></li>
+        <li><a href="#api_sizing">Sizing, scrolling, and positioning</a></li>
+        <li><a href="#api_mode">Mode, state, and tokens</a></li>
+        <li><a href="#api_misc">Miscellaneous methods</a></li>
+        <li><a href="#api_static">Static properties</a></li>
+      </ul>
+    </li>
+    <li><a href="#addons">Addons</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#modeapi">Writing CodeMirror Modes</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#vimapi">Vim Mode API</a>
+      <ul>
+        <li><a href="#vimapi_configuration">Configuration</a></li>
+        <li><a href="#vimapi_events">Events</a></li>
+        <li><a href="#vimapi_extending">Extending VIM</a></li>
+      </ul>
+    </li>
+  </ul>
+<section class=first id=overview>
+    <h2 style="position: relative">
+      User manual and reference guide
+      <span style="color: #888; font-size: 1rem; position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0">version 5.65.18</span>
+    </h2>
+    <p>CodeMirror is a code-editor component that can be embedded in
+    Web pages. The core library provides <em>only</em> the editor
+    component, no accompanying buttons, auto-completion, or other IDE
+    functionality. It does provide a rich API on top of which such
+    functionality can be straightforwardly implemented. See
+    the <a href="#addons">addons</a> included in the distribution,
+    and <a href="https://npms.io/search?q=codemirror">3rd party
+    packages on npm</a>, for reusable implementations of extra
+    features.</p>
+    <p>CodeMirror works with language-specific modes. Modes are
+    JavaScript programs that help color (and optionally indent) text
+    written in a given language. The distribution comes with a number
+    of modes (see the <a href="../mode/"><code>mode/</code></a>
+    directory), and it isn't hard to <a href="#modeapi">write new
+    ones</a> for other languages.</p>
+<section id=usage>
+    <h2>Basic Usage</h2>
+    <p>The easiest way to use CodeMirror is to simply load the script
+    and style sheet found under <code>lib/</code> in the distribution,
+    plus a mode script from one of the <code>mode/</code> directories.
+    For example:</p>
+    <pre data-lang="text/html">&lt;script src="lib/codemirror.js">&lt;/script>
+&lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="lib/codemirror.css">
+&lt;script src="mode/javascript/javascript.js">&lt;/script></pre>
+    <p>(Alternatively, use a module loader. <a href="#modloader">More
+    about that later.</a>)</p>
+    <p>Having done this, an editor instance can be created like
+    this:</p>
+    <pre data-lang="javascript">var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(document.body);</pre>
+    <p>The editor will be appended to the document body, will start
+    empty, and will use the mode that we loaded. To have more control
+    over the new editor, a configuration object can be passed
+    to <a href="#CodeMirror"><code>CodeMirror</code></a> as a second
+    argument:</p>
+    <pre data-lang="javascript">var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(document.body, {
+  value: "function myScript(){return 100;}\n",
+  mode:  "javascript"
+    <p>This will initialize the editor with a piece of code already in
+    it, and explicitly tell it to use the JavaScript mode (which is
+    useful when multiple modes are loaded).
+    See <a href="#config">below</a> for a full discussion of the
+    configuration options that CodeMirror accepts.</p>
+    <p>In cases where you don't want to append the editor to an
+    element, and need more control over the way it is inserted, the
+    first argument to the <code>CodeMirror</code> function can also
+    be a function that, when given a DOM element, inserts it into the
+    document somewhere. This could be used to, for example, replace a
+    textarea with a real editor:</p>
+    <pre data-lang="javascript">var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(function(elt) {
+  myTextArea.parentNode.replaceChild(elt, myTextArea);
+}, {value: myTextArea.value});</pre>
+    <p>However, for this use case, which is a common way to use
+    CodeMirror, the library provides a much more powerful
+    shortcut:</p>
+    <pre data-lang="javascript">var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(myTextArea);</pre>
+    <p>This will, among other things, ensure that the textarea's value
+    is updated with the editor's contents when the form (if it is part
+    of a form) is submitted. See the <a href="#fromTextArea">API
+    reference</a> for a full description of this method.</p>
+    <h3 id=modloader>Module loaders</h3>
+    <p>The files in the CodeMirror distribution contain shims for
+    loading them (and their dependencies) in AMD or CommonJS
+    environments. If the variables <code>exports</code>
+    and <code>module</code> exist and have type object, CommonJS-style
+    require will be used. If not, but there is a
+    function <code>define</code> with an <code>amd</code> property
+    present, AMD-style (RequireJS) will be used.</p>
+    <p>It is possible to
+    use <a href="http://browserify.org/">Browserify</a> or similar
+    tools to statically build modules using CodeMirror. Alternatively,
+    use <a href="http://requirejs.org/">RequireJS</a> to dynamically
+    load dependencies at runtime. Both of these approaches have the
+    advantage that they don't use the global namespace and can, thus,
+    do things like load multiple versions of CodeMirror alongside each
+    other.</p>
+    <p>Here's a simple example of using RequireJS to load CodeMirror:</p>
+    <pre data-lang="javascript">require([
+  "cm/lib/codemirror", "cm/mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed"
+], function(CodeMirror) {
+  CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {
+    lineNumbers: true,
+    mode: "htmlmixed"
+  });
+    <p>It will automatically load the modes that the mixed HTML mode
+    depends on (XML, JavaScript, and CSS). Do <em>not</em> use
+    RequireJS' <code>paths</code> option to configure the path to
+    CodeMirror, since it will break loading submodules through
+    relative paths. Use
+    the <a href="http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#packages"><code>packages</code></a>
+    configuration option instead, as in:</p>
+    <pre data-lang=javascript>require.config({
+  packages: [{
+    name: "codemirror",
+    location: "../path/to/codemirror",
+    main: "lib/codemirror"
+  }]
+<section id=config>
+    <h2>Configuration</h2>
+    <p>Both the <a href="#CodeMirror"><code>CodeMirror</code></a>
+    function and its <code>fromTextArea</code> method take as second
+    (optional) argument an object containing configuration options.
+    Any option not supplied like this will be taken
+    from <a href="#defaults"><code>CodeMirror.defaults</code></a>, an
+    object containing the default options. You can update this object
+    to change the defaults on your page.</p>
+    <p>Options are not checked in any way, so setting bogus option
+    values is bound to lead to odd errors.</p>
+    <p>These are the supported options:</p>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="option_value"><code><strong>value</strong>: string|CodeMirror.Doc</code></dt>
+      <dd>The starting value of the editor. Can be a string, or
+      a <a href="#api_doc">document object</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_mode"><code><strong>mode</strong>: string|object</code></dt>
+      <dd>The mode to use. When not given, this will default to the
+      first mode that was loaded. It may be a string, which either
+      simply names the mode or is
+      a <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIME">MIME</a> type
+      associated with the mode. The value <code>"null"</code>
+      indicates no highlighting should be applied. Alternatively, it
+      may be an object containing configuration options for the mode,
+      with a <code>name</code> property that names the mode (for
+      example <code>{name: "javascript", json: true}</code>). The demo
+      pages for each mode contain information about what configuration
+      parameters the mode supports. You can ask CodeMirror which modes
+      and MIME types have been defined by inspecting
+      the <code>CodeMirror.modes</code>
+      and <code>CodeMirror.mimeModes</code> objects. The first maps
+      mode names to their constructors, and the second maps MIME types
+      to mode specs.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_lineSeparator"><code><strong>lineSeparator</strong>: string|null</code></dt>
+      <dd>Explicitly set the line separator for the editor. By default
+      (value <code>null</code>), the document will be split on CRLFs
+      as well as lone CRs and LFs, and a single LF will be used as
+      line separator in all output (such
+      as <a href="#getValue"><code>getValue</code></a>). When a
+      specific string is given, lines will only be split on that
+      string, and output will, by default, use that same
+      separator.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_theme"><code><strong>theme</strong>: string</code></dt>
+      <dd>The theme to style the editor with. You must make sure the
+      CSS file defining the corresponding <code>.cm-s-[name]</code>
+      styles is loaded (see
+      the <a href="../theme/"><code>theme</code></a> directory in the
+      distribution). The default is <code>"default"</code>, for which
+      colors are included in <code>codemirror.css</code>. It is
+      possible to use multiple theming classes at once—for
+      example <code>"foo bar"</code> will assign both
+      the <code>cm-s-foo</code> and the <code>cm-s-bar</code> classes
+      to the editor.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_indentUnit"><code><strong>indentUnit</strong>: integer</code></dt>
+      <dd>How many spaces a block (whatever that means in the edited
+      language) should be indented. The default is 2.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_smartIndent"><code><strong>smartIndent</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Whether to use the context-sensitive indentation that the
+      mode provides (or just indent the same as the line before).
+      Defaults to true.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_tabSize"><code><strong>tabSize</strong>: integer</code></dt>
+      <dd>The width of a tab character. Defaults to 4.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_indentWithTabs"><code><strong>indentWithTabs</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Whether, when indenting, the first N*<code>tabSize</code>
+      spaces should be replaced by N tabs. Default is false.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_electricChars"><code><strong>electricChars</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Configures whether the editor should re-indent the current
+      line when a character is typed that might change its proper
+      indentation (only works if the mode supports indentation).
+      Default is true.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_specialChars"><code><strong>specialChars</strong>: RegExp</code></dt>
+      <dd>A regular expression used to determine which characters
+      should be replaced by a
+      special <a href="#option_specialCharPlaceholder">placeholder</a>.
+      Mostly useful for non-printing special characters. The default
+      is <code>/[\u0000-\u001f\u007f-\u009f\u00ad\u061c\u200b\u200e\u200f\u2028\u2029\u202d\u202e\u2066\u2067\u2069\ufeff\ufff9-\ufffc]/</code>.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_specialCharPlaceholder"><code><strong>specialCharPlaceholder</strong>: function(char) → Element</code></dt>
+      <dd>A function that, given a special character identified by
+      the <a href="#option_specialChars"><code>specialChars</code></a>
+      option, produces a DOM node that is used to represent the
+      character. By default, a red dot (<span style="color: red">•</span>)
+      is shown, with a title tooltip to indicate the character code.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_direction"><code><strong>direction</strong>: "ltr" | "rtl"</code></dt>
+      <dd>Flips overall layout and selects base paragraph direction to
+      be left-to-right or right-to-left.  Default is "ltr".
+      CodeMirror applies the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm to each
+      line, but does not autodetect base direction — it's set to the
+      editor direction for all lines.  The resulting order is
+      sometimes wrong when base direction doesn't match user intent
+      (for example, leading and trailing punctuation jumps to the
+      wrong side of the line).  Therefore, it's helpful for
+      multilingual input to let users toggle this option.
+      <dt id="option_rtlMoveVisually"><code><strong>rtlMoveVisually</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Determines whether horizontal cursor movement through
+      right-to-left (Arabic, Hebrew) text is visual (pressing the left
+      arrow moves the cursor left) or logical (pressing the left arrow
+      moves to the next lower index in the string, which is visually
+      right in right-to-left text). The default is <code>false</code>
+      on Windows, and <code>true</code> on other platforms.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_keyMap"><code><strong>keyMap</strong>: string</code></dt>
+      <dd>Configures the key map to use. The default
+      is <code>"default"</code>, which is the only key map defined
+      in <code>codemirror.js</code> itself. Extra key maps are found in
+      the <a href="../keymap/"><code>key map</code></a> directory. See
+      the <a href="#keymaps">section on key maps</a> for more
+      information.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_extraKeys"><code><strong>extraKeys</strong>: object</code></dt>
+      <dd>Can be used to specify extra key bindings for the editor,
+      alongside the ones defined
+      by <a href="#option_keyMap"><code>keyMap</code></a>. Should be
+      either null, or a valid <a href="#keymaps">key map</a> value.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_configureMouse"><code><strong>configureMouse</strong>: fn(cm: CodeMirror, repeat: "single" | "double" | "triple", event: Event) → Object</code></dt>
+      <dd>Allows you to configure the behavior of mouse selection and
+      dragging. The function is called when the left mouse button is
+      pressed. The returned object may have the following properties:
+        <dl>
+          <dt><code><strong>unit</strong>: "char" | "word" | "line" | "rectangle" | fn(CodeMirror, Pos) → {from: Pos, to: Pos}</code></dt>
+          <dd>The unit by which to select. May be one of the built-in
+          units or a function that takes a position and returns a
+          range around that, for a custom unit. The default is to
+          return <code>"word"</code> for double
+          clicks, <code>"line"</code> for triple
+          clicks, <code>"rectangle"</code> for alt-clicks (or, on
+          Chrome OS, meta-shift-clicks), and <code>"single"</code>
+          otherwise.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>extend</strong>: bool</code></dt>
+          <dd>Whether to extend the existing selection range or start
+          a new one. By default, this is enabled when shift
+          clicking.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>addNew</strong>: bool</code></dt>
+          <dd>When enabled, this adds a new range to the existing
+          selection, rather than replacing it. The default behavior is
+          to enable this for command-click on Mac OS, and
+          control-click on other platforms.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>moveOnDrag</strong>: bool</code></dt>
+          <dd>When the mouse even drags content around inside the
+          editor, this controls whether it is copied (false) or moved
+          (true). By default, this is enabled by alt-clicking on Mac
+          OS, and ctrl-clicking elsewhere.</dd>
+        </dl>
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="option_lineWrapping"><code><strong>lineWrapping</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Whether CodeMirror should scroll or wrap for long lines.
+      Defaults to <code>false</code> (scroll).</dd>
+      <dt id="option_lineNumbers"><code><strong>lineNumbers</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Whether to show line numbers to the left of the editor.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_firstLineNumber"><code><strong>firstLineNumber</strong>: integer</code></dt>
+      <dd>At which number to start counting lines. Default is 1.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_lineNumberFormatter"><code><strong>lineNumberFormatter</strong>: function(line: integer) → string</code></dt>
+      <dd>A function used to format line numbers. The function is
+      passed the line number, and should return a string that will be
+      shown in the gutter.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_gutters"><code><strong>gutters</strong>: array&lt;string | {className: string, style: ?string}&gt;</code></dt>
+      <dd>Can be used to add extra gutters (beyond or instead of the
+      line number gutter). Should be an array of CSS class names or
+      class name / CSS string pairs, each of which defines
+      a <code>width</code> (and optionally a background), and which
+      will be used to draw the background of the gutters. <em>May</em>
+      include the <code>CodeMirror-linenumbers</code> class, in order
+      to explicitly set the position of the line number gutter (it
+      will default to be to the right of all other gutters). These
+      class names are the keys passed
+      to <a href="#setGutterMarker"><code>setGutterMarker</code></a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_fixedGutter"><code><strong>fixedGutter</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Determines whether the gutter scrolls along with the content
+      horizontally (false) or whether it stays fixed during horizontal
+      scrolling (true, the default).</dd>
+      <dt id="option_scrollbarStyle"><code><strong>scrollbarStyle</strong>: string</code></dt>
+      <dd>Chooses a scrollbar implementation. The default
+      is <code>"native"</code>, showing native scrollbars. The core
+      library also provides the <code>"null"</code> style, which
+      completely hides the
+      scrollbars. <a href="#addon_simplescrollbars">Addons</a> can
+      implement additional scrollbar models.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_coverGutterNextToScrollbar"><code><strong>coverGutterNextToScrollbar</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>When <a href="#option_fixedGutter"><code>fixedGutter</code></a>
+      is on, and there is a horizontal scrollbar, by default the
+      gutter will be visible to the left of this scrollbar. If this
+      option is set to true, it will be covered by an element with
+      class <code>CodeMirror-gutter-filler</code>.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_inputStyle"><code><strong>inputStyle</strong>: string</code></dt>
+      <dd>Selects the way CodeMirror handles input and focus. The core
+      library defines the <code>"textarea"</code>
+      and <code>"contenteditable"</code> input models. On mobile
+      browsers, the default is <code>"contenteditable"</code>. On
+      desktop browsers, the default is <code>"textarea"</code>.
+      Support for IME and screen readers is better in
+      the <code>"contenteditable"</code> model. The intention is to
+      make it the default on modern desktop browsers in the
+      future.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_readOnly"><code><strong>readOnly</strong>: boolean|string</code></dt>
+      <dd>This disables editing of the editor content by the user. If
+      the special value <code>"nocursor"</code> is given (instead of
+      simply <code>true</code>), focusing of the editor is also
+      disallowed.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_screenReaderLabel"><code><strong>screenReaderLabel</strong>: string</code></dt>
+      <dd>This label is read by the screenreaders when CodeMirror text area is focused. This
+      is helpful for accessibility.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_showCursorWhenSelecting"><code><strong>showCursorWhenSelecting</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Whether the cursor should be drawn when a selection is
+      active. Defaults to false.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_lineWiseCopyCut"><code><strong>lineWiseCopyCut</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>When enabled, which is the default, doing copy or cut when
+      there is no selection will copy or cut the whole lines that have
+      cursors on them.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_pasteLinesPerSelection"><code><strong>pasteLinesPerSelection</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>When pasting something from an external source (not from the
+      editor itself), if the number of lines matches the number of
+      selection, CodeMirror will by default insert one line per
+      selection. You can set this to <code>false</code> to disable
+      that behavior.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_selectionsMayTouch"><code><strong>selectionsMayTouch</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Determines whether multiple selections are joined as soon as
+      they touch (the default) or only when they overlap (true).</dd>
+      <dt id="option_undoDepth"><code><strong>undoDepth</strong>: integer</code></dt>
+      <dd>The maximum number of undo levels that the editor stores.
+      Note that this includes selection change events. Defaults to
+      200.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_historyEventDelay"><code><strong>historyEventDelay</strong>: integer</code></dt>
+      <dd>The period of inactivity (in milliseconds) that will cause a
+      new history event to be started when typing or deleting.
+      Defaults to 1250.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_tabindex"><code><strong>tabindex</strong>: integer</code></dt>
+      <dd>The <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#adef-tabindex">tab
+      index</a> to assign to the editor. If not given, no tab index
+      will be assigned.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_autofocus"><code><strong>autofocus</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Can be used to make CodeMirror focus itself on
+      initialization. Defaults to off.
+      When <a href="#fromTextArea"><code>fromTextArea</code></a> is
+      used, and no explicit value is given for this option, it will be
+      set to true when either the source textarea is focused, or it
+      has an <code>autofocus</code> attribute and no other element is
+      focused.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_phrases"><code><strong>phrases</strong>: ?object</code></dt>
+      <dd>Some addons run user-visible strings (such as labels in the
+      interface) through the <a href="#phrase"><code>phrase</code></a>
+      method to allow for translation. This option determines the
+      return value of that method. When it is null or an object that
+      doesn't have a property named by the input string, that string
+      is returned. Otherwise, the value of the property corresponding
+      to that string is returned.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <p>Below this a few more specialized, low-level options are
+    listed. These are only useful in very specific situations, you
+    might want to skip them the first time you read this manual.</p>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="option_dragDrop"><code><strong>dragDrop</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Controls whether drag-and-drop is enabled. On by default.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_allowDropFileTypes"><code><strong>allowDropFileTypes</strong>: array&lt;string&gt;</code></dt>
+      <dd>When set (default is <code>null</code>) only files whose
+      type is in the array can be dropped into the editor. The strings
+      should be MIME types, and will be checked against
+      the <a href="https://w3c.github.io/FileAPI/#dfn-type"><code>type</code></a>
+      of the <code>File</code> object as reported by the browser.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_cursorBlinkRate"><code><strong>cursorBlinkRate</strong>: number</code></dt>
+      <dd>Half-period in milliseconds used for cursor blinking. The default blink
+      rate is 530ms. By setting this to zero, blinking can be disabled. A
+      negative value hides the cursor entirely.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_cursorScrollMargin"><code><strong>cursorScrollMargin</strong>: number</code></dt>
+      <dd>How much extra space to always keep above and below the
+      cursor when approaching the top or bottom of the visible view in
+      a scrollable document. Default is 0.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_cursorHeight"><code><strong>cursorHeight</strong>: number</code></dt>
+      <dd>Determines the height of the cursor. Default is 1, meaning
+      it spans the whole height of the line. For some fonts (and by
+      some tastes) a smaller height (for example <code>0.85</code>),
+      which causes the cursor to not reach all the way to the bottom
+      of the line, looks better</dd>
+      <dt id="option_singleCursorHeightPerLine"><code><strong>singleCursorHeightPerLine</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>If set to <code>true</code> (the default), will keep the
+      cursor height constant for an entire line (or wrapped part of a
+      line). When <code>false</code>, the cursor's height is based on
+      the height of the adjacent reference character.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_resetSelectionOnContextMenu"><code><strong>resetSelectionOnContextMenu</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Controls whether, when the context menu is opened with a
+      click outside of the current selection, the cursor is moved to
+      the point of the click. Defaults to <code>true</code>.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_workTime"><code id="option_wordkDelay"><strong>workTime</strong>, <strong>workDelay</strong>: number</code></dt>
+      <dd>Highlighting is done by a pseudo background-thread that will
+      work for <code>workTime</code> milliseconds, and then use
+      timeout to sleep for <code>workDelay</code> milliseconds. The
+      defaults are 200 and 300, you can change these options to make
+      the highlighting more or less aggressive.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_pollInterval"><code><strong>pollInterval</strong>: number</code></dt>
+      <dd>Indicates how quickly CodeMirror should poll its input
+      textarea for changes (when focused). Most input is captured by
+      events, but some things, like IME input on some browsers, don't
+      generate events that allow CodeMirror to properly detect it.
+      Thus, it polls. Default is 100 milliseconds.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_flattenSpans"><code><strong>flattenSpans</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>By default, CodeMirror will combine adjacent tokens into a
+      single span if they have the same class. This will result in a
+      simpler DOM tree, and thus perform better. With some kinds of
+      styling (such as rounded corners), this will change the way the
+      document looks. You can set this option to false to disable this
+      behavior.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_addModeClass"><code><strong>addModeClass</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>When enabled (off by default), an extra CSS class will be
+      added to each token, indicating the
+      (<a href="#innerMode">inner</a>) mode that produced it, prefixed
+      with <code>"cm-m-"</code>. For example, tokens from the XML mode
+      will get the <code>cm-m-xml</code> class.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_maxHighlightLength"><code><strong>maxHighlightLength</strong>: number</code></dt>
+      <dd>When highlighting long lines, in order to stay responsive,
+      the editor will give up and simply style the rest of the line as
+      plain text when it reaches a certain position. The default is
+      10 000. You can set this to <code>Infinity</code> to turn off
+      this behavior.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_viewportMargin"><code><strong>viewportMargin</strong>: integer</code></dt>
+      <dd>Specifies the amount of lines that are rendered above and
+      below the part of the document that's currently scrolled into
+      view. This affects the amount of updates needed when scrolling,
+      and the amount of work that such an update does. You should
+      usually leave it at its default, 10. Can be set
+      to <code>Infinity</code> to make sure the whole document is
+      always rendered, and thus the browser's text search works on it.
+      This <em>will</em> have bad effects on performance of big
+      documents.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_spellcheck"><code><strong>spellcheck</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Specifies whether or not spellcheck will be enabled on the input.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_autocorrect"><code><strong>autocorrect</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Specifies whether or not autocorrect will be enabled on the input.</dd>
+      <dt id="option_autocapitalize"><code><strong>autocapitalize</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Specifies whether or not autocapitalization will be enabled on the input.</dd>
+    </dl>
+<section id=events>
+    <h2>Events</h2>
+    <p>Various CodeMirror-related objects emit events, which allow
+    client code to react to various situations. Handlers for such
+    events can be registered with the <a href="#on"><code>on</code></a>
+    and <a href="#off"><code>off</code></a> methods on the objects
+    that the event fires on. To fire your own events,
+    use <code>CodeMirror.signal(target, name, args...)</code>,
+    where <code>target</code> is a non-DOM-node object.</p>
+    <p>An editor instance fires the following events.
+    The <code>instance</code> argument always refers to the editor
+    itself.</p>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="event_change"><code><strong>"change"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror, changeObj: object)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fires every time the content of the editor is changed.
+      The <code>changeObj</code> is a <code>{from, to, text, removed,
+      origin}</code> object containing information about the changes
+      that occurred as second argument. <code>from</code>
+      and <code>to</code> are the positions (in the pre-change
+      coordinate system) where the change started and ended (for
+      example, it might be <code>{ch:0, line:18}</code> if the
+      position is at the beginning of line #19). <code>text</code> is
+      an array of strings representing the text that replaced the
+      changed range (split by line). <code>removed</code> is the text
+      that used to be between <code>from</code> and <code>to</code>,
+      which is overwritten by this change. This event is
+      fired <em>before</em> the end of
+      an <a href="#operation">operation</a>, before the DOM updates
+      happen.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_changes"><code><strong>"changes"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror, changes: array&lt;object&gt;)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Like the <a href="#event_change"><code>"change"</code></a>
+      event, but batched per <a href="#operation">operation</a>,
+      passing an array containing all the changes that happened in the
+      operation. This event is fired after the operation finished, and
+      display changes it makes will trigger a new operation.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_beforeChange"><code><strong>"beforeChange"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror, changeObj: object)</code></dt>
+      <dd>This event is fired before a change is applied, and its
+      handler may choose to modify or cancel the change.
+      The <code>changeObj</code> object
+      has <code>from</code>, <code>to</code>, and <code>text</code>
+      properties, as with
+      the <a href="#event_change"><code>"change"</code></a> event. It
+      also has a <code>cancel()</code> method, which can be called to
+      cancel the change, and, <strong>if</strong> the change isn't
+      coming from an undo or redo event, an <code>update(from, to,
+      text)</code> method, which may be used to modify the change.
+      Undo or redo changes can't be modified, because they hold some
+      metainformation for restoring old marked ranges that is only
+      valid for that specific change. All three arguments
+      to <code>update</code> are optional, and can be left off to
+      leave the existing value for that field
+      intact. <strong>Note:</strong> you may not do anything from
+      a <code>"beforeChange"</code> handler that would cause changes
+      to the document or its visualization. Doing so will, since this
+      handler is called directly from the bowels of the CodeMirror
+      implementation, probably cause the editor to become
+      corrupted.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_cursorActivity"><code><strong>"cursorActivity"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Will be fired when the cursor or selection moves, or any
+      change is made to the editor content.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_keyHandled"><code><strong>"keyHandled"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror, name: string, event: Event)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fired after a key is handled through a
+      key map. <code>name</code> is the name of the handled key (for
+      example <code>"Ctrl-X"</code> or <code>"'q'"</code>),
+      and <code>event</code> is the DOM <code>keydown</code>
+      or <code>keypress</code> event.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_inputRead"><code><strong>"inputRead"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror, changeObj: object)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fired whenever new input is read from the hidden textarea
+      (typed or pasted by the user).</dd>
+      <dt id="event_electricInput"><code><strong>"electricInput"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror, line: integer)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fired if text input matched the
+      mode's <a href="#option_electricChars">electric</a> patterns,
+      and this caused the line's indentation to change.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_beforeSelectionChange"><code><strong>"beforeSelectionChange"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror, obj: {ranges, origin, update})</code></dt>
+      <dd>This event is fired before the selection is moved. Its
+      handler may inspect the set of selection ranges, present as an
+      array of <code>{anchor, head}</code> objects in
+      the <code>ranges</code> property of the <code>obj</code>
+      argument, and optionally change them by calling
+      the <code>update</code> method on this object, passing an array
+      of ranges in the same format. The object also contains
+      an <code>origin</code> property holding the origin string passed
+      to the selection-changing method, if any. Handlers for this
+      event have the same restriction
+      as <a href="#event_beforeChange"><code>"beforeChange"</code></a>
+      handlers — they should not do anything to directly update the
+      state of the editor.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_viewportChange"><code><strong>"viewportChange"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror, from: number, to: number)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fires whenever the <a href="#getViewport">view port</a> of
+      the editor changes (due to scrolling, editing, or any other
+      factor). The <code>from</code> and <code>to</code> arguments
+      give the new start and end of the viewport.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_swapDoc"><code><strong>"swapDoc"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror, oldDoc: Doc)</code></dt>
+      <dd>This is signalled when the editor's document is replaced
+      using the <a href="#swapDoc"><code>swapDoc</code></a>
+      method.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_gutterClick"><code><strong>"gutterClick"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror, line: integer, gutter: string, clickEvent: Event)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fires when the editor gutter (the line-number area) is
+      clicked. Will pass the editor instance as first argument, the
+      (zero-based) number of the line that was clicked as second
+      argument, the CSS class of the gutter that was clicked as third
+      argument, and the raw <code>mousedown</code> event object as
+      fourth argument.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_gutterContextMenu"><code><strong>"gutterContextMenu"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror, line: integer, gutter: string, contextMenu: Event: Event)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fires when the editor gutter (the line-number area)
+      receives a <code>contextmenu</code> event. Will pass the editor
+      instance as first argument, the (zero-based) number of the line
+      that was clicked as second argument, the CSS class of the
+      gutter that was clicked as third argument, and the raw
+      <code>contextmenu</code> mouse event object as fourth argument.
+      You can <code>preventDefault</code> the event, to signal that
+      CodeMirror should do no further handling.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_focus"><code><strong>"focus"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror, event: Event)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fires whenever the editor is focused.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_blur"><code><strong>"blur"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror, event: Event)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fires whenever the editor is unfocused.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_scroll"><code><strong>"scroll"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fires when the editor is scrolled.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_refresh"><code><strong>"refresh"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fires when the editor is <a href="#refresh">refreshed</a>
+      or <a href="#setSize">resized</a>. Mostly useful to invalidate
+      cached values that depend on the editor or character size.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_optionChange"><code><strong>"optionChange"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror, option: string)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Dispatched every time an option is changed with <a href="#setOption"><code>setOption</code></a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_scrollCursorIntoView"><code><strong>"scrollCursorIntoView"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror, event: Event)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fires when the editor tries to scroll its cursor into view.
+      Can be hooked into to take care of additional scrollable
+      containers around the editor. When the event object has
+      its <code>preventDefault</code> method called, CodeMirror will
+      not itself try to scroll the window.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_update"><code><strong>"update"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Will be fired whenever CodeMirror updates its DOM display.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_renderLine"><code><strong>"renderLine"</strong> (instance: CodeMirror, line: LineHandle, element: Element)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fired whenever a line is (re-)rendered to the DOM. Fired
+      right after the DOM element is built, <em>before</em> it is
+      added to the document. The handler may mess with the style of
+      the resulting element, or add event handlers, but
+      should <em>not</em> try to change the state of the editor.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_dom"><code><strong>"mousedown"</strong>,
+      <strong>"dblclick"</strong>, <strong>"touchstart"</strong>, <strong>"contextmenu"</strong>,
+      <strong>"keydown"</strong>, <strong>"keypress"</strong>,
+      <strong>"keyup"</strong>, <strong>"cut"</strong>, <strong>"copy"</strong>, <strong>"paste"</strong>,
+      <strong>"dragstart"</strong>, <strong>"dragenter"</strong>,
+      <strong>"dragover"</strong>, <strong>"dragleave"</strong>,
+      <strong>"drop"</strong>
+      (instance: CodeMirror, event: Event)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fired when CodeMirror is handling a DOM event of this type.
+      You can <code>preventDefault</code> the event, or give it a
+      truthy <code>codemirrorIgnore</code> property, to signal that
+      CodeMirror should do no further handling.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <p>Document objects (instances
+    of <a href="#Doc"><code>CodeMirror.Doc</code></a>) emit the
+    following events:</p>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="event_doc_change"><code><strong>"change"</strong> (doc: CodeMirror.Doc, changeObj: object)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fired whenever a change occurs to the
+      document. <code>changeObj</code> has a similar type as the
+      object passed to the
+      editor's <a href="#event_change"><code>"change"</code></a>
+      event.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_doc_beforeChange"><code><strong>"beforeChange"</strong> (doc: CodeMirror.Doc, change: object)</code></dt>
+      <dd>See the <a href="#event_beforeChange">description of the
+      same event</a> on editor instances.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_doc_cursorActivity"><code><strong>"cursorActivity"</strong> (doc: CodeMirror.Doc)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fired whenever the cursor or selection in this document
+      changes.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_doc_beforeSelectionChange"><code><strong>"beforeSelectionChange"</strong> (doc: CodeMirror.Doc, selection: {head, anchor})</code></dt>
+      <dd>Equivalent to
+      the <a href="#event_beforeSelectionChange">event by the same
+      name</a> as fired on editor instances.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <p>Line handles (as returned by, for
+    example, <a href="#getLineHandle"><code>getLineHandle</code></a>)
+    support these events:</p>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="event_delete"><code><strong>"delete"</strong> ()</code></dt>
+      <dd>Will be fired when the line object is deleted. A line object
+      is associated with the <em>start</em> of the line. Mostly useful
+      when you need to find out when your <a href="#setGutterMarker">gutter
+      markers</a> on a given line are removed.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_line_change"><code><strong>"change"</strong> (line: LineHandle, changeObj: object)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fires when the line's text content is changed in any way
+      (but the line is not deleted outright). The <code>change</code>
+      object is similar to the one passed
+      to <a href="#event_change">change event</a> on the editor
+      object.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <p>Marked range handles (<code>CodeMirror.TextMarker</code>), as returned
+    by <a href="#markText"><code>markText</code></a>
+    and <a href="#setBookmark"><code>setBookmark</code></a>, emit the
+    following events:</p>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="event_beforeCursorEnter"><code><strong>"beforeCursorEnter"</strong> ()</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fired when the cursor enters the marked range. From this
+      event handler, the editor state may be inspected
+      but <em>not</em> modified, with the exception that the range on
+      which the event fires may be cleared.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_clear"><code><strong>"clear"</strong> (from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch})</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fired when the range is cleared, either through cursor
+      movement in combination
+      with <a href="#mark_clearOnEnter"><code>clearOnEnter</code></a>
+      or through a call to its <code>clear()</code> method. Will only
+      be fired once per handle. Note that deleting the range through
+      text editing does not fire this event, because an undo action
+      might bring the range back into existence. <code>from</code>
+      and <code>to</code> give the part of the document that the range
+      spanned when it was cleared.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_hide"><code><strong>"hide"</strong> ()</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fired when the last part of the marker is removed from the
+      document by editing operations.</dd>
+      <dt id="event_unhide"><code><strong>"unhide"</strong> ()</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fired when, after the marker was removed by editing, a undo
+      operation brought the marker back.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <p>Line widgets (<code>CodeMirror.LineWidget</code>), returned
+    by <a href="#addLineWidget"><code>addLineWidget</code></a>, fire
+    these events:</p>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="event_redraw"><code><strong>"redraw"</strong> ()</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fired whenever the editor re-adds the widget to the DOM.
+      This will happen once right after the widget is added (if it is
+      scrolled into view), and then again whenever it is scrolled out
+      of view and back in again, or when changes to the editor options
+      or the line the widget is on require the widget to be
+      redrawn.</dd>
+    </dl>
+<section id=keymaps>
+    <h2>Key Maps</h2>
+    <p>Key maps are ways to associate keys and mouse buttons with
+    functionality. A key map is an object mapping strings that
+    identify the buttons to functions that implement their
+    functionality.</p>
+    <p>The CodeMirror distributions comes
+    with <a href="../demo/emacs.html">Emacs</a>, <a href="../demo/vim.html">Vim</a>,
+    and <a href="../demo/sublime.html">Sublime Text</a>-style keymaps.</p>
+    <p>Keys are identified either by name or by character.
+    The <code>CodeMirror.keyNames</code> object defines names for
+    common keys and associates them with their key codes. Examples of
+    names defined here are <code>Enter</code>, <code>F5</code>,
+    and <code>Q</code>. These can be prefixed
+    with <code>Shift-</code>, <code>Cmd-</code>, <code>Ctrl-</code>,
+    and <code>Alt-</code> to specify a modifier. So for
+    example, <code>Shift-Ctrl-Space</code> would be a valid key
+    identifier.</p>
+    <p>Common example: map the Tab key to insert spaces instead of a tab
+    character.</p>
+    <pre data-lang="javascript">
+editor.setOption("extraKeys", {
+  Tab: function(cm) {
+    var spaces = Array(cm.getOption("indentUnit") + 1).join(" ");
+    cm.replaceSelection(spaces);
+  }
+    <p>Alternatively, a character can be specified directly by
+    surrounding it in single quotes, for example <code>'$'</code>
+    or <code>'q'</code>. Due to limitations in the way browsers fire
+    key events, these may not be prefixed with modifiers.</p>
+    <p>To bind mouse buttons, use the names `LeftClick`,
+    `MiddleClick`, and `RightClick`. These can also be prefixed with
+    modifiers, and in addition, the word `Double` or `Triple` can be
+    put before `Click` (as in `LeftDoubleClick`) to bind a double- or
+    triple-click. The function for such a binding is passed the
+    position that was clicked as second argument.</p>
+    <p id="normalizeKeyMap">Multi-stroke key bindings can be specified
+    by separating the key names by spaces in the property name, for
+    example <code>Ctrl-X Ctrl-V</code>. When a map contains
+    multi-stoke bindings or keys with modifiers that are not specified
+    in the default order (<code>Shift-Cmd-Ctrl-Alt</code>), you must
+    call <code>CodeMirror.normalizeKeyMap</code> on it before it can
+    be used. This function takes a keymap and modifies it to normalize
+    modifier order and properly recognize multi-stroke bindings. It
+    will return the keymap itself.</p>
+    <p>The <code>CodeMirror.keyMap</code> object associates key maps
+    with names. User code and key map definitions can assign extra
+    properties to this object. Anywhere where a key map is expected, a
+    string can be given, which will be looked up in this object. It
+    also contains the <code>"default"</code> key map holding the
+    default bindings.</p>
+    <p>The values of properties in key maps can be either functions of
+    a single argument (the CodeMirror instance), strings, or
+    <code>false</code>. Strings refer
+    to <a href="#commands">commands</a>, which are described below. If
+    the property is set to <code>false</code>, CodeMirror leaves
+    handling of the key up to the browser. A key handler function may
+    return <code>CodeMirror.Pass</code> to indicate that it has
+    decided not to handle the key, and other handlers (or the default
+    behavior) should be given a turn.</p>
+    <p>Keys mapped to command names that start with the
+    characters <code>"go"</code> or to functions that have a
+    truthy <code>motion</code> property (which should be used for
+    cursor-movement actions) will be fired even when an
+    extra <code>Shift</code> modifier is present (i.e. <code>"Up":
+    "goLineUp"</code> matches both up and shift-up). This is used to
+    easily implement shift-selection.</p>
+    <p>Key maps can defer to each other by defining
+    a <code>fallthrough</code> property. This indicates that when a
+    key is not found in the map itself, one or more other maps should
+    be searched. It can hold either a single key map or an array of
+    key maps.</p>
+    <p>When a key map needs to set something up when it becomes
+    active, or tear something down when deactivated, it can
+    contain <code>attach</code> and/or <code>detach</code> properties,
+    which should hold functions that take the editor instance and the
+    next or previous keymap. Note that this only works for the
+    <a href="#option_keyMap">top-level keymap</a>, not for fallthrough
+    maps or maps added
+    with <a href="#option_extraKeys"><code>extraKeys</code></a>
+    or <a href="#addKeyMap"><code>addKeyMap</code></a>.</p>
+<section id=commands>
+    <h2>Commands</h2>
+    <p>Commands are parameter-less actions that can be performed on an
+    editor. Their main use is for key bindings. Commands are defined by
+    adding properties to the <code>CodeMirror.commands</code> object.
+    A number of common commands are defined by the library itself,
+    most of them used by the default key bindings. The value of a
+    command property must be a function of one argument (an editor
+    instance).</p>
+    <p>Some of the commands below are referenced in the default
+    key map, but not defined by the core library. These are intended to
+    be defined by user code or addons.</p>
+    <p>Commands can also be run with
+    the <a href="#execCommand"><code>execCommand</code></a>
+    method.</p>
+    <dl>
+      <dt class=command id=command_selectAll><code><strong>selectAll</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Ctrl-A (PC), Cmd-A (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Select the whole content of the editor.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_singleSelection><code><strong>singleSelection</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Esc</span></dt>
+      <dd>When multiple selections are present, this deselects all but
+      the primary selection.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_killLine><code><strong>killLine</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Ctrl-K (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Emacs-style line killing. Deletes the part of the line after
+      the cursor. If that consists only of whitespace, the newline at
+      the end of the line is also deleted.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_deleteLine><code><strong>deleteLine</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Ctrl-D (PC), Cmd-D (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Deletes the whole line under the cursor, including newline at the end.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_delLineLeft><code><strong>delLineLeft</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>Delete the part of the line before the cursor.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_delWrappedLineLeft><code><strong>delWrappedLineLeft</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Cmd-Backspace (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Delete the part of the line from the left side of the visual line the cursor is on to the cursor.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_delWrappedLineRight><code><strong>delWrappedLineRight</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Cmd-Delete (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Delete the part of the line from the cursor to the right side of the visual line the cursor is on.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_undo><code><strong>undo</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Ctrl-Z (PC), Cmd-Z (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Undo the last change. Note that, because browsers still
+      don't make it possible for scripts to react to or customize the
+      context menu, selecting undo (or redo) from the context menu in
+      a CodeMirror instance does not work.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_redo><code><strong>redo</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Ctrl-Y (PC), Shift-Cmd-Z (Mac), Cmd-Y (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Redo the last undone change.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_undoSelection><code><strong>undoSelection</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Ctrl-U (PC), Cmd-U (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Undo the last change to the selection, or if there are no
+      selection-only changes at the top of the history, undo the last
+      change.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_redoSelection><code><strong>redoSelection</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Alt-U (PC), Shift-Cmd-U (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Redo the last change to the selection, or the last text change if
+      no selection changes remain.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goDocStart><code><strong>goDocStart</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Ctrl-Home (PC), Cmd-Up (Mac), Cmd-Home (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Move the cursor to the start of the document.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goDocEnd><code><strong>goDocEnd</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Ctrl-End (PC), Cmd-End (Mac), Cmd-Down (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Move the cursor to the end of the document.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goLineStart><code><strong>goLineStart</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Alt-Left (PC), Ctrl-A (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Move the cursor to the start of the line.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goLineStartSmart><code><strong>goLineStartSmart</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Home</span></dt>
+      <dd>Move to the start of the text on the line, or if we are
+      already there, to the actual start of the line (including
+      whitespace).</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goLineEnd><code><strong>goLineEnd</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Alt-Right (PC), Ctrl-E (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Move the cursor to the end of the line.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goLineRight><code><strong>goLineRight</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Cmd-Right (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Move the cursor to the right side of the visual line it is on.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goLineLeft><code><strong>goLineLeft</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Cmd-Left (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Move the cursor to the left side of the visual line it is on. If
+      this line is wrapped, that may not be the start of the line.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goLineLeftSmart><code><strong>goLineLeftSmart</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>Move the cursor to the left side of the visual line it is
+      on. If that takes it to the start of the line, behave
+      like <a href="#command_goLineStartSmart"><code>goLineStartSmart</code></a>.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goLineUp><code><strong>goLineUp</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Up, Ctrl-P (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Move the cursor up one line.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goLineDown><code><strong>goLineDown</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Down, Ctrl-N (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Move down one line.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goPageUp><code><strong>goPageUp</strong></code><span class=keybinding>PageUp, Shift-Ctrl-V (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Move the cursor up one screen, and scroll up by the same distance.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goPageDown><code><strong>goPageDown</strong></code><span class=keybinding>PageDown, Ctrl-V (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Move the cursor down one screen, and scroll down by the same distance.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goCharLeft><code><strong>goCharLeft</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Left, Ctrl-B (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Move the cursor one character left, going to the previous line
+      when hitting the start of line.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goCharRight><code><strong>goCharRight</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Right, Ctrl-F (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Move the cursor one character right, going to the next line
+      when hitting the end of line.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goColumnLeft><code><strong>goColumnLeft</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>Move the cursor one character left, but don't cross line boundaries.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goColumnRight><code><strong>goColumnRight</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>Move the cursor one character right, don't cross line boundaries.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goWordLeft><code><strong>goWordLeft</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Alt-B (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Move the cursor to the start of the previous word.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goWordRight><code><strong>goWordRight</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Alt-F (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Move the cursor to the end of the next word.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goGroupLeft><code><strong>goGroupLeft</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Ctrl-Left (PC), Alt-Left (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Move to the left of the group before the cursor. A group is
+      a stretch of word characters, a stretch of punctuation
+      characters, a newline, or a stretch of <em>more than one</em>
+      whitespace character.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_goGroupRight><code><strong>goGroupRight</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Ctrl-Right (PC), Alt-Right (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Move to the right of the group after the cursor
+      (see <a href="#command_goGroupLeft">above</a>).</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_delCharBefore><code><strong>delCharBefore</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Shift-Backspace, Ctrl-H (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Delete the character before the cursor.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_delCharAfter><code><strong>delCharAfter</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Delete, Ctrl-D (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Delete the character after the cursor.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_delWordBefore><code><strong>delWordBefore</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Alt-Backspace (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Delete up to the start of the word before the cursor.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_delWordAfter><code><strong>delWordAfter</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Alt-D (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Delete up to the end of the word after the cursor.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_delGroupBefore><code><strong>delGroupBefore</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Ctrl-Backspace (PC), Alt-Backspace (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Delete to the left of the <a href="#command_goGroupLeft">group</a> before the cursor.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_delGroupAfter><code><strong>delGroupAfter</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Ctrl-Delete (PC), Ctrl-Alt-Backspace (Mac), Alt-Delete (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Delete to the start of the <a href="#command_goGroupLeft">group</a> after the cursor.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_indentAuto><code><strong>indentAuto</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Shift-Tab</span></dt>
+      <dd>Auto-indent the current line or selection.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_indentMore><code><strong>indentMore</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Ctrl-] (PC), Cmd-] (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Indent the current line or selection by one <a href="#option_indentUnit">indent unit</a>.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_indentLess><code><strong>indentLess</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Ctrl-[ (PC), Cmd-[ (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Dedent the current line or selection by one <a href="#option_indentUnit">indent unit</a>.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_insertTab><code><strong>insertTab</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>Insert a tab character at the cursor.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_insertSoftTab><code><strong>insertSoftTab</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>Insert the amount of spaces that match the width a tab at
+      the cursor position would have.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_defaultTab><code><strong>defaultTab</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Tab</span></dt>
+      <dd>If something is selected, indent it by
+      one <a href="#option_indentUnit">indent unit</a>. If nothing is
+      selected, insert a tab character.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_transposeChars><code><strong>transposeChars</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Ctrl-T (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Swap the characters before and after the cursor.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_newlineAndIndent><code><strong>newlineAndIndent</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Enter</span></dt>
+      <dd>Insert a newline and auto-indent the new line.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_toggleOverwrite><code><strong>toggleOverwrite</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Insert</span></dt>
+      <dd>Flip the <a href="#toggleOverwrite">overwrite</a> flag.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_save><code><strong>save</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Ctrl-S (PC), Cmd-S (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Not defined by the core library, only referred to in
+      key maps. Intended to provide an easy way for user code to define
+      a save command.</dd>
+      <dt class=command id=command_find><code><strong>find</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Ctrl-F (PC), Cmd-F (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dt class=command id=command_findNext><code><strong>findNext</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Ctrl-G (PC), Cmd-G (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dt class=command id=command_findPrev><code><strong>findPrev</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Shift-Ctrl-G (PC), Shift-Cmd-G (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dt class=command id=command_replace><code><strong>replace</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Shift-Ctrl-F (PC), Cmd-Alt-F (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dt class=command id=command_replaceAll><code><strong>replaceAll</strong></code><span class=keybinding>Shift-Ctrl-R (PC), Shift-Cmd-Alt-F (Mac)</span></dt>
+      <dd>Not defined by the core library, but defined in
+      the <a href="#addon_search">search addon</a> (or custom client
+      addons).</dd>
+    </dl>
+<section id=styling>
+    <h2>Customized Styling</h2>
+    <p>Up to a certain extent, CodeMirror's look can be changed by
+    modifying style sheet files. The style sheets supplied by modes
+    simply provide the colors for that mode, and can be adapted in a
+    very straightforward way. To style the editor itself, it is
+    possible to alter or override the styles defined
+    in <a href="../lib/codemirror.css"><code>codemirror.css</code></a>.</p>
+    <p>Some care must be taken there, since a lot of the rules in this
+    file are necessary to have CodeMirror function properly. Adjusting
+    colors should be safe, of course, and with some care a lot of
+    other things can be changed as well. The CSS classes defined in
+    this file serve the following roles:</p>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="class_CodeMirror"><code><strong>CodeMirror</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>The outer element of the editor. This should be used for the
+      editor width, height, borders and positioning. Can also be used
+      to set styles that should hold for everything inside the editor
+      (such as font and font size), or to set a background. Setting
+      this class' <code>height</code> style to <code>auto</code> will
+      make the editor <a href="../demo/resize.html">resize to fit its
+      content</a> (it is recommended to also set
+      the <a href="#option_viewportMargin"><code>viewportMargin</code>
+      option</a> to <code>Infinity</code> when doing this.</dd>
+      <dt id="class_CodeMirror_focused"><code><strong>CodeMirror-focused</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>Whenever the editor is focused, the top element gets this
+      class. This is used to hide the cursor and give the selection a
+      different color when the editor is not focused.</dd>
+      <dt id="class_CodeMirror_gutters"><code><strong>CodeMirror-gutters</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>This is the backdrop for all gutters. Use it to set the
+      default gutter background color, and optionally add a border on
+      the right of the gutters.</dd>
+      <dt id="class_CodeMirror_linenumbers"><code><strong>CodeMirror-linenumbers</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>Use this for giving a background or width to the line number
+      gutter.</dd>
+      <dt id="class_CodeMirror_linenumber"><code><strong>CodeMirror-linenumber</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>Used to style the actual individual line numbers. These
+      won't be children of the <code>CodeMirror-linenumbers</code>
+      (plural) element, but rather will be absolutely positioned to
+      overlay it. Use this to set alignment and text properties for
+      the line numbers.</dd>
+      <dt id="class_CodeMirror_lines"><code><strong>CodeMirror-lines</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>The visible lines. This is where you specify vertical
+      padding for the editor content.</dd>
+      <dt id="class_CodeMirror_cursor"><code><strong>CodeMirror-cursor</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>The cursor is a block element that is absolutely positioned.
+      You can make it look whichever way you want.</dd>
+      <dt id="class_CodeMirror_selected"><code><strong>CodeMirror-selected</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>The selection is represented by <code>span</code> elements
+      with this class.</dd>
+      <dt id="class_CodeMirror_matchingbracket"><code><strong>CodeMirror-matchingbracket</strong></code>,
+        <code><strong>CodeMirror-nonmatchingbracket</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>These are used to style matched (or unmatched) brackets.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <p>If your page's style sheets do funky things to
+    all <code>div</code> or <code>pre</code> elements (you probably
+    shouldn't do that), you'll have to define rules to cancel these
+    effects out again for elements under the <code>CodeMirror</code>
+    class.</p>
+    <p>Themes are also simply CSS files, which define colors for
+    various syntactic elements. See the files in
+    the <a href="../theme/"><code>theme</code></a> directory.</p>
+<section id=api>
+    <h2>Programming API</h2>
+    <p>A lot of CodeMirror features are only available through its
+    API. Thus, you need to write code (or
+    use <a href="#addons">addons</a>) if you want to expose them to
+    your users.</p>
+    <p>Whenever points in the document are represented, the API uses
+    objects with <code>line</code> and <code>ch</code> properties.
+    Both are zero-based. CodeMirror makes sure to 'clip' any positions
+    passed by client code so that they fit inside the document, so you
+    shouldn't worry too much about sanitizing your coordinates. If you
+    give <code>ch</code> a value of <code>null</code>, or don't
+    specify it, it will be replaced with the length of the specified
+    line. Such positions may also have a <code>sticky</code> property
+    holding <code>"before"</code> or <code>"after"</code>, whether the
+    position is associated with the character before or after it. This
+    influences, for example, where the cursor is drawn on a
+    line-break or bidi-direction boundary.</p>
+    <p>Methods prefixed with <code>doc.</code> can, unless otherwise
+    specified, be called both on <code>CodeMirror</code> (editor)
+    instances and <code>CodeMirror.Doc</code> instances. Methods
+    prefixed with <code>cm.</code> are <em>only</em> available
+    on <code>CodeMirror</code> instances.</p>
+    <h3 id="api_constructor">Constructor</h3>
+    <p id="CodeMirror">Constructing an editor instance is done with
+    the <code><strong>CodeMirror</strong>(place: Element|fn(Element),
+    ?option: object)</code> constructor. If the <code>place</code>
+    argument is a DOM element, the editor will be appended to it. If
+    it is a function, it will be called, and is expected to place the
+    editor into the document. <code>options</code> may be an element
+    mapping <a href="#config">option names</a> to values. The options
+    that it doesn't explicitly specify (or all options, if it is not
+    passed) will be taken
+    from <a href="#defaults"><code>CodeMirror.defaults</code></a>.</p>
+    <p>Note that the options object passed to the constructor will be
+    mutated when the instance's options
+    are <a href="#setOption">changed</a>, so you shouldn't share such
+    objects between instances.</p>
+    <p>See <a href="#fromTextArea"><code>CodeMirror.fromTextArea</code></a>
+    for another way to construct an editor instance.</p>
+    <h3 id="api_content">Content manipulation methods</h3>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="getValue"><code><strong>doc.getValue</strong>(?separator: string) → string</code></dt>
+      <dd>Get the current editor content. You can pass it an optional
+      argument to specify the string to be used to separate lines
+      (defaults to <code>"\n"</code>).</dd>
+      <dt id="setValue"><code><strong>doc.setValue</strong>(content: string)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Set the editor content.</dd>
+      <dt id="getRange"><code><strong>doc.getRange</strong>(from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}, ?separator: string) → string</code></dt>
+      <dd>Get the text between the given points in the editor, which
+      should be <code>{line, ch}</code> objects. An optional third
+      argument can be given to indicate the line separator string to
+      use (defaults to <code>"\n"</code>).</dd>
+      <dt id="replaceRange"><code><strong>doc.replaceRange</strong>(replacement: string, from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}, ?origin: string)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Replace the part of the document between <code>from</code>
+      and <code>to</code> with the given string. <code>from</code>
+      and <code>to</code> must be <code>{line, ch}</code>
+      objects. <code>to</code> can be left off to simply insert the
+      string at position <code>from</code>. When <code>origin</code>
+      is given, it will be passed on
+      to <a href="#event_change"><code>"change"</code> events</a>, and
+      its first letter will be used to determine whether this change
+      can be merged with previous history events, in the way described
+      for <a href="#selection_origin">selection origins</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="getLine"><code><strong>doc.getLine</strong>(n: integer) → string</code></dt>
+      <dd>Get the content of line <code>n</code>.</dd>
+      <dt id="lineCount"><code><strong>doc.lineCount</strong>() → integer</code></dt>
+      <dd>Get the number of lines in the editor.</dd>
+      <dt id="firstLine"><code><strong>doc.firstLine</strong>() → integer</code></dt>
+      <dd>Get the number of first line in the editor. This will
+      usually be zero but for <a href="#linkedDoc_from">linked sub-views</a>,
+      or <a href="#api_doc">documents</a> instantiated with a non-zero
+      first line, it might return other values.</dd>
+      <dt id="lastLine"><code><strong>doc.lastLine</strong>() → integer</code></dt>
+      <dd>Get the number of last line in the editor. This will
+      usually be <code>doc.lineCount() - 1</code>,
+      but for <a href="#linkedDoc_from">linked sub-views</a>,
+      it might return other values.</dd>
+      <dt id="getLineHandle"><code><strong>doc.getLineHandle</strong>(num: integer) → LineHandle</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fetches the line handle for the given line number.</dd>
+      <dt id="getLineNumber"><code><strong>doc.getLineNumber</strong>(handle: LineHandle) → integer</code></dt>
+      <dd>Given a line handle, returns the current position of that
+      line (or <code>null</code> when it is no longer in the
+      document).</dd>
+      <dt id="eachLine"><code><strong>doc.eachLine</strong>(f: (line: LineHandle))</code></dt>
+      <dt><code><strong>doc.eachLine</strong>(start: integer, end: integer, f: (line: LineHandle))</code></dt>
+      <dd>Iterate over the whole document, or if <code>start</code>
+      and <code>end</code> line numbers are given, the range
+      from <code>start</code> up to (not including) <code>end</code>,
+      and call <code>f</code> for each line, passing the line handle.
+      <code>eachLine</code> stops iterating if <code>f</code> returns
+      truthy value.
+      This is a faster way to visit a range of line handlers than
+      calling <a href="#getLineHandle"><code>getLineHandle</code></a>
+      for each of them. Note that line handles have
+      a <code>text</code> property containing the line's content (as a
+      string).</dd>
+      <dt id="markClean"><code><strong>doc.markClean</strong>()</code></dt>
+      <dd>Set the editor content as 'clean', a flag that it will
+      retain until it is edited, and which will be set again when such
+      an edit is undone again. Useful to track whether the content
+      needs to be saved. This function is deprecated in favor
+      of <a href="#changeGeneration"><code>changeGeneration</code></a>,
+      which allows multiple subsystems to track different notions of
+      cleanness without interfering.</dd>
+      <dt id="changeGeneration"><code><strong>doc.changeGeneration</strong>(?closeEvent: boolean) → integer</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns a number that can later be passed
+      to <a href="#isClean"><code>isClean</code></a> to test whether
+      any edits were made (and not undone) in the meantime.
+      If <code>closeEvent</code> is true, the current history event
+      will be ‘closed’, meaning it can't be combined with further
+      changes (rapid typing or deleting events are typically
+      combined).</dd>
+      <dt id="isClean"><code><strong>doc.isClean</strong>(?generation: integer) → boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns whether the document is currently clean — not
+      modified since initialization or the last call
+      to <a href="#markClean"><code>markClean</code></a> if no
+      argument is passed, or since the matching call
+      to <a href="#changeGeneration"><code>changeGeneration</code></a>
+      if a generation value is given.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <h3 id="api_selection">Cursor and selection methods</h3>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="getSelection"><code><strong>doc.getSelection</strong>(?lineSep: string) → string</code></dt>
+      <dd>Get the currently selected code. Optionally pass a line
+      separator to put between the lines in the output. When multiple
+      selections are present, they are concatenated with instances
+      of <code>lineSep</code> in between.</dd>
+      <dt id="getSelections"><code><strong>doc.getSelections</strong>(?lineSep: string) → array&lt;string&gt;</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns an array containing a string for each selection,
+      representing the content of the selections.</dd>
+      <dt id="replaceSelection"><code><strong>doc.replaceSelection</strong>(replacement: string, ?select: string)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Replace the selection(s) with the given string. By default,
+      the new selection ends up after the inserted text. The
+      optional <code>select</code> argument can be used to change
+      this—passing <code>"around"</code> will cause the new text to be
+      selected, passing <code>"start"</code> will collapse the
+      selection to the start of the inserted text.</dd>
+      <dt id="replaceSelections"><code><strong>doc.replaceSelections</strong>(replacements: array&lt;string&gt;, ?select: string)</code></dt>
+      <dd>The length of the given array should be the same as the
+      number of active selections. Replaces the content of the
+      selections with the strings in the array.
+      The <code>select</code> argument works the same as
+      in <a href="#replaceSelection"><code>replaceSelection</code></a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="getCursor"><code><strong>doc.getCursor</strong>(?start: string) → {line, ch}</code></dt>
+      <dd>Retrieve one end of the <em>primary</em>
+      selection. <code>start</code> is an optional string indicating
+      which end of the selection to return. It may
+      be <code>"from"</code>, <code>"to"</code>, <code>"head"</code>
+      (the side of the selection that moves when you press
+      shift+arrow), or <code>"anchor"</code> (the fixed side of the
+      selection). Omitting the argument is the same as
+      passing <code>"head"</code>. A <code>{line, ch}</code> object
+      will be returned.</dd>
+      <dt id="listSelections"><code><strong>doc.listSelections</strong>() → array&lt;{anchor, head}&gt;</code></dt>
+      <dd>Retrieves a list of all current selections. These will
+      always be sorted, and never overlap (overlapping selections are
+      merged). Each object in the array contains <code>anchor</code>
+      and <code>head</code> properties referring to <code>{line,
+      ch}</code> objects.</dd>
+      <dt id="somethingSelected"><code><strong>doc.somethingSelected</strong>() → boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Return true if any text is selected.</dd>
+      <dt id="setCursor"><code><strong>doc.setCursor</strong>(pos: {line, ch}|number, ?ch: number, ?options: object)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Set the cursor position. You can either pass a
+      single <code>{line, ch}</code> object, or the line and the
+      character as two separate parameters. Will replace all
+      selections with a single, empty selection at the given position.
+      The supported options are the same as for <a href="#setSelection"><code>setSelection</code></a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="setSelection"><code><strong>doc.setSelection</strong>(anchor: {line, ch}, ?head: {line, ch}, ?options: object)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Set a single selection range. <code>anchor</code>
+      and <code>head</code> should be <code>{line, ch}</code>
+      objects. <code>head</code> defaults to <code>anchor</code> when
+      not given. These options are supported:
+      <dl>
+        <dt id="selection_scroll"><code><strong>scroll</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>Determines whether the selection head should be scrolled
+        into view. Defaults to true.</dd>
+        <dt id="selection_origin"><code><strong>origin</strong>: string</code></dt>
+        <dd>Determines whether the selection history event may be
+        merged with the previous one. When an origin starts with the
+        character <code>+</code>, and the last recorded selection had
+        the same origin and was similar (close
+        in <a href="#option_historyEventDelay">time</a>, both
+        collapsed or both non-collapsed), the new one will replace the
+        old one. When it starts with <code>*</code>, it will always
+        replace the previous event (if that had the same origin).
+        Built-in motion uses the <code>"+move"</code> origin. User input uses the <code>"+input"</code> origin.</dd>
+        <dt id="selection_bias"><code><strong>bias</strong>: number</code></dt>
+        <dd>Determine the direction into which the selection endpoints
+        should be adjusted when they fall inside
+        an <a href="#mark_atomic">atomic</a> range. Can be either -1
+        (backward) or 1 (forward). When not given, the bias will be
+        based on the relative position of the old selection—the editor
+        will try to move further away from that, to prevent getting
+        stuck.</dd>
+      </dl></dd>
+      <dt id="setSelections"><code><strong>doc.setSelections</strong>(ranges: array&lt;{anchor, ?head}&gt;, ?primary: integer, ?options: object)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Sets a new set of selections. There must be at least one
+      selection in the given array. When <code>primary</code> is a
+      number, it determines which selection is the primary one. When
+      it is not given, the primary index is taken from the previous
+      selection, or set to the last range if the previous selection
+      had less ranges than the new one. Supports the same options
+      as <a href="#setSelection"><code>setSelection</code></a>.
+      <code>head</code> defaults to <code>anchor</code> when not given.</dd>
+      <dt id="addSelection"><code><strong>doc.addSelection</strong>(anchor: {line, ch}, ?head: {line, ch})</code></dt>
+      <dd>Adds a new selection to the existing set of selections, and
+      makes it the primary selection.</dd>
+      <dt id="extendSelection"><code><strong>doc.extendSelection</strong>(from: {line, ch}, ?to: {line, ch}, ?options: object)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Similar
+      to <a href="#setSelection"><code>setSelection</code></a>, but
+      will, if shift is held or
+      the <a href="#setExtending">extending</a> flag is set, move the
+      head of the selection while leaving the anchor at its current
+      place. <code>to</code> is optional, and can be passed to ensure
+      a region (for example a word or paragraph) will end up selected
+      (in addition to whatever lies between that region and the
+      current anchor). When multiple selections are present, all but
+      the primary selection will be dropped by this method.
+      Supports the same options as <a href="#setSelection"><code>setSelection</code></a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="extendSelections"><code><strong>doc.extendSelections</strong>(heads: array&lt;{line, ch}&gt;, ?options: object)</code></dt>
+      <dd>An equivalent
+      of <a href="#extendSelection"><code>extendSelection</code></a>
+      that acts on all selections at once.</dd>
+      <dt id="extendSelectionsBy"><code><strong>doc.extendSelectionsBy</strong>(f: function(range: {anchor, head}) → {line, ch}), ?options: object)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Applies the given function to all existing selections, and
+      calls <a href="#extendSelections"><code>extendSelections</code></a>
+      on the result.</dd>
+      <dt id="setExtending"><code><strong>doc.setExtending</strong>(value: boolean)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Sets or clears the 'extending' flag, which acts similar to
+      the shift key, in that it will cause cursor movement and calls
+      to <a href="#extendSelection"><code>extendSelection</code></a>
+      to leave the selection anchor in place.</dd>
+      <dt id="getExtending"><code><strong>doc.getExtending</strong>() → boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Get the value of the 'extending' flag.</dd>
+      <dt id="hasFocus"><code><strong>cm.hasFocus</strong>() → boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Tells you whether the editor currently has focus.</dd>
+      <dt id="findPosH"><code><strong>cm.findPosH</strong>(start: {line, ch}, amount: integer, unit: string, visually: boolean) → {line, ch, ?hitSide: boolean}</code></dt>
+      <dd>Used to find the target position for horizontal cursor
+      motion. <code>start</code> is a <code>{line, ch}</code>
+      object, <code>amount</code> an integer (may be negative),
+      and <code>unit</code> one of the
+      string <code>"char"</code>, <code>"column"</code>,
+      or <code>"word"</code>. Will return a position that is produced
+      by moving <code>amount</code> times the distance specified
+      by <code>unit</code>. When <code>visually</code> is true, motion
+      in right-to-left text will be visual rather than logical. When
+      the motion was clipped by hitting the end or start of the
+      document, the returned value will have a <code>hitSide</code>
+      property set to true.</dd>
+      <dt id="findPosV"><code><strong>cm.findPosV</strong>(start: {line, ch}, amount: integer, unit: string) → {line, ch, ?hitSide: boolean}</code></dt>
+      <dd>Similar to <a href="#findPosH"><code>findPosH</code></a>,
+      but used for vertical motion. <code>unit</code> may
+      be <code>"line"</code> or <code>"page"</code>. The other
+      arguments and the returned value have the same interpretation as
+      they have in <code>findPosH</code>.</dd>
+      <dt id="findWordAt"><code><strong>cm.findWordAt</strong>(pos: {line, ch}) → {anchor: {line, ch}, head: {line, ch}}</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns the start and end of the 'word' (the stretch of
+      letters, whitespace, or punctuation) at the given position.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <h3 id="api_configuration">Configuration methods</h3>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="setOption"><code><strong>cm.setOption</strong>(option: string, value: any)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Change the configuration of the editor. <code>option</code>
+      should the name of an <a href="#config">option</a>,
+      and <code>value</code> should be a valid value for that
+      option.</dd>
+      <dt id="getOption"><code><strong>cm.getOption</strong>(option: string) → any</code></dt>
+      <dd>Retrieves the current value of the given option for this
+      editor instance.</dd>
+      <dt id="addKeyMap"><code><strong>cm.addKeyMap</strong>(map: object, bottom: boolean)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Attach an additional <a href="#keymaps">key map</a> to the
+      editor. This is mostly useful for addons that need to register
+      some key handlers without trampling on
+      the <a href="#option_extraKeys"><code>extraKeys</code></a>
+      option. Maps added in this way have a higher precedence than
+      the <code>extraKeys</code>
+      and <a href="#option_keyMap"><code>keyMap</code></a> options,
+      and between them, the maps added earlier have a lower precedence
+      than those added later, unless the <code>bottom</code> argument
+      was passed, in which case they end up below other key maps added
+      with this method.</dd>
+      <dt id="removeKeyMap"><code><strong>cm.removeKeyMap</strong>(map: object)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Disable a keymap added
+      with <a href="#addKeyMap"><code>addKeyMap</code></a>. Either
+      pass in the key map object itself, or a string, which will be
+      compared against the <code>name</code> property of the active
+      key maps.</dd>
+      <dt id="addOverlay"><code><strong>cm.addOverlay</strong>(mode: string|object, ?options: object)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Enable a highlighting overlay. This is a stateless mini-mode
+      that can be used to add extra highlighting. For example,
+      the <a href="../demo/search.html">search addon</a> uses it to
+      highlight the term that's currently being
+      searched. <code>mode</code> can be a <a href="#option_mode">mode
+      spec</a> or a mode object (an object with
+      a <a href="#token"><code>token</code></a> method).
+      The <code>options</code> parameter is optional. If given, it
+      should be an object, optionally containing the following options:
+        <dl>
+          <dt><code><strong>opaque</strong>: bool</code></dt>
+          <dd>Defaults to off, but can be given to allow the overlay
+          styling, when not <code>null</code>, to override the styling of
+          the base mode entirely, instead of the two being applied
+          together.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>priority</strong>: number</code></dt>
+          <dd>Determines the ordering in which the overlays are
+          applied. Those with high priority are applied after those
+          with lower priority, and able to override the opaqueness of
+          the ones that come before. Defaults to 0.</dd>
+        </dl>
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="removeOverlay"><code><strong>cm.removeOverlay</strong>(mode: string|object)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Pass this the exact value passed for the <code>mode</code>
+      parameter to <a href="#addOverlay"><code>addOverlay</code></a>,
+      or a string that corresponds to the <code>name</code> property of
+      that value, to remove an overlay again.</dd>
+      <dt id="on"><code><strong>cm.on</strong>(type: string, func: (...args))</code></dt>
+      <dd>Register an event handler for the given event type (a
+      string) on the editor instance. There is also
+      a <code>CodeMirror.on(object, type, func)</code> version
+      that allows registering of events on any object.</dd>
+      <dt id="off"><code><strong>cm.off</strong>(type: string, func: (...args))</code></dt>
+      <dd>Remove an event handler on the editor instance. An
+      equivalent <code>CodeMirror.off(object, type,
+      func)</code> also exists.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <h3 id="api_doc">Document management methods</h3>
+    <p id="Doc">Each editor is associated with an instance
+    of <code>CodeMirror.Doc</code>, its document. A document
+    represents the editor content, plus a selection, an undo history,
+    and a <a href="#option_mode">mode</a>. A document can only be
+    associated with a single editor at a time. You can create new
+    documents by calling the <code>CodeMirror.Doc(text: string, mode:
+    Object, firstLineNumber: ?number, lineSeparator: ?string)</code>
+    constructor. The last three arguments are optional and can be used
+    to set a mode for the document, make it start at a line number
+    other than 0, and set a specific line separator respectively.</p>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="getDoc"><code><strong>cm.getDoc</strong>() → Doc</code></dt>
+      <dd>Retrieve the currently active document from an editor.</dd>
+      <dt id="getEditor"><code><strong>doc.getEditor</strong>() → CodeMirror</code></dt>
+      <dd>Retrieve the editor associated with a document. May
+      return <code>null</code>.</dd>
+      <dt id="swapDoc"><code><strong>cm.swapDoc</strong>(doc: CodeMirror.Doc) → Doc</code></dt>
+      <dd>Attach a new document to the editor. Returns the old
+      document, which is now no longer associated with an editor.</dd>
+      <dt id="copy"><code><strong>doc.copy</strong>(copyHistory: boolean) → Doc</code></dt>
+      <dd>Create an identical copy of the given doc.
+      When <code>copyHistory</code> is true, the history will also be
+      copied. Can not be called directly on an editor.</dd>
+      <dt id="linkedDoc"><code><strong>doc.linkedDoc</strong>(options: object) → Doc</code></dt>
+      <dd>Create a new document that's linked to the target document.
+      Linked documents will stay in sync (changes to one are also
+      applied to the other) until <a href="#unlinkDoc">unlinked</a>.
+      These are the options that are supported:
+        <dl>
+          <dt id="linkedDoc_sharedHist"><code><strong>sharedHist</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+          <dd>When turned on, the linked copy will share an undo
+          history with the original. Thus, something done in one of
+          the two can be undone in the other, and vice versa.</dd>
+          <dt id="linkedDoc_from"><code><strong>from</strong>: integer</code></dt>
+          <dt id="linkedDoc_to"><code><strong>to</strong>: integer</code></dt>
+          <dd>Can be given to make the new document a subview of the
+          original. Subviews only show a given range of lines. Note
+          that line coordinates inside the subview will be consistent
+          with those of the parent, so that for example a subview
+          starting at line 10 will refer to its first line as line 10,
+          not 0.</dd>
+          <dt id="linkedDoc_mode"><code><strong>mode</strong>: string|object</code></dt>
+          <dd>By default, the new document inherits the mode of the
+          parent. This option can be set to
+          a <a href="#option_mode">mode spec</a> to give it a
+          different mode.</dd>
+        </dl></dd>
+      <dt id="unlinkDoc"><code><strong>doc.unlinkDoc</strong>(doc: CodeMirror.Doc)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Break the link between two documents. After calling this,
+      changes will no longer propagate between the documents, and, if
+      they had a shared history, the history will become
+      separate.</dd>
+      <dt id="iterLinkedDocs"><code><strong>doc.iterLinkedDocs</strong>(function: (doc: CodeMirror.Doc, sharedHist: boolean))</code></dt>
+      <dd>Will call the given function for all documents linked to the
+      target document. It will be passed two arguments, the linked document
+      and a boolean indicating whether that document shares history
+      with the target.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <h3 id="api_history">History-related methods</h3>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="undo"><code><strong>doc.undo</strong>()</code></dt>
+      <dd>Undo one edit (if any undo events are stored).</dd>
+      <dt id="redo"><code><strong>doc.redo</strong>()</code></dt>
+      <dd>Redo one undone edit.</dd>
+      <dt id="undoSelection"><code><strong>doc.undoSelection</strong>()</code></dt>
+      <dd>Undo one edit or selection change.</dd>
+      <dt id="redoSelection"><code><strong>doc.redoSelection</strong>()</code></dt>
+      <dd>Redo one undone edit or selection change.</dd>
+      <dt id="historySize"><code><strong>doc.historySize</strong>() → {undo: integer, redo: integer}</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns an object with <code>{undo, redo}</code> properties,
+      both of which hold integers, indicating the amount of stored
+      undo and redo operations.</dd>
+      <dt id="clearHistory"><code><strong>doc.clearHistory</strong>()</code></dt>
+      <dd>Clears the editor's undo history.</dd>
+      <dt id="getHistory"><code><strong>doc.getHistory</strong>() → object</code></dt>
+      <dd>Get a (JSON-serializable) representation of the undo history.</dd>
+      <dt id="setHistory"><code><strong>doc.setHistory</strong>(history: object)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Replace the editor's undo history with the one provided,
+      which must be a value as returned
+      by <a href="#getHistory"><code>getHistory</code></a>. Note that
+      this will have entirely undefined results if the editor content
+      isn't also the same as it was when <code>getHistory</code> was
+      called.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <h3 id="api_marker">Text-marking methods</h3>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="markText"><code><strong>doc.markText</strong>(from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}, ?options: object) → TextMarker</code></dt>
+      <dd>Can be used to mark a range of text with a specific CSS
+      class name. <code>from</code> and <code>to</code> should
+      be <code>{line, ch}</code> objects. The <code>options</code>
+      parameter is optional. When given, it should be an object that
+      may contain the following configuration options:
+      <dl>
+        <dt id="mark_className"><code><strong>className</strong>: string</code></dt>
+        <dd>Assigns a CSS class to the marked stretch of text.</dd>
+        <dt id="mark_inclusiveLeft"><code><strong>inclusiveLeft</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>Determines whether
+        text inserted on the left of the marker will end up inside
+        or outside of it.</dd>
+        <dt id="mark_inclusiveRight"><code><strong>inclusiveRight</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>Like <code>inclusiveLeft</code>,
+        but for the right side.</dd>
+        <dt id="mark_selectLeft"><code><strong>selectLeft</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>For atomic ranges, determines whether the cursor is allowed
+        to be placed directly to the left of the range. Has no effect on
+        non-atomic ranges.</dd>
+        <dt id="mark_selectRight"><code><strong>selectRight</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>Like <code>selectLeft</code>,
+        but for the right side.</dd>
+        <dt id="mark_atomic"><code><strong>atomic</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>Atomic ranges act as a single unit when cursor movement is
+        concerned—i.e. it is impossible to place the cursor inside of
+        them. You can control whether the cursor is allowed to be placed
+        directly before or after them using <code>selectLeft</code>
+        or <code>selectRight</code>. If <code>selectLeft</code>
+        (or right) is not provided, then <code>inclusiveLeft</code> (or
+        right) will control this behavior.</dd>
+        <dt id="mark_collapsed"><code><strong>collapsed</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>Collapsed ranges do not show up in the display. Setting a
+        range to be collapsed will automatically make it atomic.</dd>
+        <dt id="mark_clearOnEnter"><code><strong>clearOnEnter</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>When enabled, will cause the mark to clear itself whenever
+        the cursor enters its range. This is mostly useful for
+        text-replacement widgets that need to 'snap open' when the
+        user tries to edit them. The
+        <a href="#event_clear"><code>"clear"</code></a> event
+        fired on the range handle can be used to be notified when this
+        happens.</dd>
+        <dt id="mark_clearWhenEmpty"><code><strong>clearWhenEmpty</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>Determines whether the mark is automatically cleared when
+        it becomes empty. Default is true.</dd>
+        <dt id="mark_replacedWith"><code><strong>replacedWith</strong>: Element</code></dt>
+        <dd>Use a given node to display this range. Implies both
+        collapsed and atomic. The given DOM node <em>must</em> be an
+        inline element (as opposed to a block element).</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>handleMouseEvents</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>When <code>replacedWith</code> is given, this determines
+        whether the editor will capture mouse and drag events
+        occurring in this widget. Default is false—the events will be
+        left alone for the default browser handler, or specific
+        handlers on the widget, to capture.</dd>
+        <dt id="mark_readOnly"><code><strong>readOnly</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>A read-only span can, as long as it is not cleared, not be
+        modified except by
+        calling <a href="#setValue"><code>setValue</code></a> to reset
+        the whole document. <em>Note:</em> adding a read-only span
+        currently clears the undo history of the editor, because
+        existing undo events being partially nullified by read-only
+        spans would corrupt the history (in the current
+        implementation).</dd>
+        <dt id="mark_addToHistory"><code><strong>addToHistory</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>When set to true (default is false), adding this marker
+        will create an event in the undo history that can be
+        individually undone (clearing the marker).</dd>
+        <dt id="mark_startStyle"><code><strong>startStyle</strong>: string</code></dt><dd>Can be used to specify
+        an extra CSS class to be applied to the leftmost span that
+        is part of the marker.</dd>
+        <dt id="mark_endStyle"><code><strong>endStyle</strong>: string</code></dt><dd>Equivalent
+        to <code>startStyle</code>, but for the rightmost span.</dd>
+        <dt id="mark_css"><code><strong>css</strong>: string</code></dt>
+        <dd>A string of CSS to be applied to the covered text. For example <code>"color: #fe3"</code>.</dd>
+        <dt id="mark_attributes"><code><strong>attributes</strong>: object</code></dt>
+        <dd>When given, add the attributes in the given object to the
+        elements created for the marked text. Adding <code>class</code> or
+        <code>style</code> attributes this way is not supported.</dd>
+        <dt id="mark_shared"><code><strong>shared</strong>: boolean</code></dt><dd>When the
+        target document is <a href="#linkedDoc">linked</a> to other
+        documents, you can set <code>shared</code> to true to make the
+        marker appear in all documents. By default, a marker appears
+        only in its target document.</dd>
+      </dl>
+      The method will return an object that represents the marker
+      (with constructor <code>CodeMirror.TextMarker</code>), which
+      exposes three methods:
+      <code><strong>clear</strong>()</code>, to remove the mark,
+      <code><strong>find</strong>()</code>, which returns
+      a <code>{from, to}</code> object (both holding document
+      positions), indicating the current position of the marked range,
+      or <code>undefined</code> if the marker is no longer in the
+      document, and finally <code><strong>changed</strong>()</code>,
+      which you can call if you've done something that might change
+      the size of the marker (for example changing the content of
+      a <a href="#mark_replacedWith"><code>replacedWith</code></a>
+      node), and want to cheaply update the display.</dd>
+      <dt id="setBookmark"><code><strong>doc.setBookmark</strong>(pos: {line, ch}, ?options: object) → TextMarker</code></dt>
+      <dd>Inserts a bookmark, a handle that follows the text around it
+      as it is being edited, at the given position. A bookmark has two
+      methods <code>find()</code> and <code>clear()</code>. The first
+      returns the current position of the bookmark, if it is still in
+      the document, and the second explicitly removes the bookmark.
+      The options argument is optional. If given, the following
+      properties are recognized:
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code><strong>widget</strong>: Element</code></dt><dd>Can be used to display a DOM
+        node at the current location of the bookmark (analogous to
+        the <a href="#mark_replacedWith"><code>replacedWith</code></a>
+        option to <a href="#markText"><code>markText</code></a>).</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>insertLeft</strong>: boolean</code></dt><dd>By default, text typed
+        when the cursor is on top of the bookmark will end up to the
+        right of the bookmark. Set this option to true to make it go
+        to the left instead.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>shared</strong>: boolean</code></dt><dd>See
+        the corresponding <a href="#mark_shared">option</a>
+        to <code>markText</code>.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>handleMouseEvents</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>As with <a href="#markText"><code>markText</code></a>,
+        this determines whether mouse events on the widget inserted
+        for this bookmark are handled by CodeMirror. The default is
+        false.</dd>
+      </dl></dd>
+      <dt id="findMarks"><code><strong>doc.findMarks</strong>(from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}) → array&lt;TextMarker&gt;</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns an array of all the bookmarks and marked ranges
+      found between the given positions (non-inclusive).</dd>
+      <dt id="findMarksAt"><code><strong>doc.findMarksAt</strong>(pos: {line, ch}) → array&lt;TextMarker&gt;</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns an array of all the bookmarks and marked ranges
+      present at the given position.</dd>
+      <dt id="getAllMarks"><code><strong>doc.getAllMarks</strong>() → array&lt;TextMarker&gt;</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns an array containing all marked ranges in the document.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <h3 id="api_decoration">Widget, gutter, and decoration methods</h3>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="setGutterMarker"><code><strong>doc.setGutterMarker</strong>(line: integer|LineHandle, gutterID: string, value: Element) → LineHandle</code></dt>
+      <dd>Sets the gutter marker for the given gutter (identified by
+      its CSS class, see
+      the <a href="#option_gutters"><code>gutters</code></a> option)
+      to the given value. Value can be either <code>null</code>, to
+      clear the marker, or a DOM element, to set it. The DOM element
+      will be shown in the specified gutter next to the specified
+      line.</dd>
+      <dt id="clearGutter"><code><strong>doc.clearGutter</strong>(gutterID: string)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Remove all gutter markers in
+      the <a href="#option_gutters">gutter</a> with the given ID.</dd>
+      <dt id="addLineClass"><code><strong>doc.addLineClass</strong>(line: integer|LineHandle, where: string, class: string) → LineHandle</code></dt>
+      <dd>Set a CSS class name for the given line. <code>line</code>
+      can be a number or a line handle. <code>where</code> determines
+      to which element this class should be applied, can be one
+      of <code>"text"</code> (the text element, which lies in front of
+      the selection), <code>"background"</code> (a background element
+      that will be behind the selection), <code>"gutter"</code> (the
+      line's gutter space), or <code>"wrap"</code> (the wrapper node
+      that wraps all of the line's elements, including gutter
+      elements). <code>class</code> should be the name of the class to
+      apply.</dd>
+      <dt id="removeLineClass"><code><strong>doc.removeLineClass</strong>(line: integer|LineHandle, where: string, class: string) → LineHandle</code></dt>
+      <dd>Remove a CSS class from a line. <code>line</code> can be a
+      line handle or number. <code>where</code> should be one
+      of <code>"text"</code>, <code>"background"</code>,
+      or <code>"wrap"</code>
+      (see <a href="#addLineClass"><code>addLineClass</code></a>). <code>class</code>
+      can be left off to remove all classes for the specified node, or
+      be a string to remove only a specific class.</dd>
+      <dt id="lineInfo"><code><strong>doc.lineInfo</strong>(line: integer|LineHandle) → object</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns the line number, text content, and marker status of
+      the given line, which can be either a number or a line handle.
+      The returned object has the structure <code>{line, handle, text,
+      gutterMarkers, textClass, bgClass, wrapClass, widgets}</code>,
+      where <code>gutterMarkers</code> is an object mapping gutter IDs
+      to marker elements, and <code>widgets</code> is an array
+      of <a href="#addLineWidget">line widgets</a> attached to this
+      line, and the various class properties refer to classes added
+      with <a href="#addLineClass"><code>addLineClass</code></a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addWidget"><code><strong>cm.addWidget</strong>(pos: {line, ch}, node: Element, scrollIntoView: boolean)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Puts <code>node</code>, which should be an absolutely
+      positioned DOM node, into the editor, positioned right below the
+      given <code>{line, ch}</code> position.
+      When <code>scrollIntoView</code> is true, the editor will ensure
+      that the entire node is visible (if possible). To remove the
+      widget again, simply use DOM methods (move it somewhere else, or
+      call <code>removeChild</code> on its parent).</dd>
+      <dt id="addLineWidget"><code><strong>doc.addLineWidget</strong>(line: integer|LineHandle, node: Element, ?options: object) → LineWidget</code></dt>
+      <dd>Adds a line widget, an element shown below a line, spanning
+      the whole of the editor's width, and moving the lines below it
+      downwards. <code>line</code> should be either an integer or a
+      line handle, and <code>node</code> should be a DOM node, which
+      will be displayed below the given line. <code>options</code>,
+      when given, should be an object that configures the behavior of
+      the widget. The following options are supported (all default to
+      false):
+        <dl>
+          <dt><code><strong>coverGutter</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+          <dd>Whether the widget should cover the gutter.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>noHScroll</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+          <dd>Whether the widget should stay fixed in the face of
+          horizontal scrolling.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>above</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+          <dd>Causes the widget to be placed above instead of below
+          the text of the line.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>handleMouseEvents</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+          <dd>Determines whether the editor will capture mouse and
+          drag events occurring in this widget. Default is false—the
+          events will be left alone for the default browser handler,
+          or specific handlers on the widget, to capture.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>insertAt</strong>: integer</code></dt>
+          <dd>By default, the widget is added below other widgets for
+          the line. This option can be used to place it at a different
+          position (zero for the top, N to put it after the Nth other
+          widget). Note that this only has effect once, when the
+          widget is created.
+          <dt><code><strong>className</strong>: string</code></dt>
+          <dd>Add an extra CSS class name to the wrapper element
+          created for the widget.</dd>
+        </dl>
+      Note that the widget node will become a descendant of nodes with
+      CodeMirror-specific CSS classes, and those classes might in some
+      cases affect it. This method returns an object that represents
+      the widget placement. It'll have a <code>line</code> property
+      pointing at the line handle that it is associated with, and the following methods:
+        <dl>
+          <dt id="widget_clear"><code><strong>clear</strong>()</code></dt><dd>Removes the widget.</dd>
+          <dt id="widget_changed"><code><strong>changed</strong>()</code></dt><dd>Call
+          this if you made some change to the widget's DOM node that
+          might affect its height. It'll force CodeMirror to update
+          the height of the line that contains the widget.</dd>
+        </dl>
+      </dd>
+    </dl>
+    <h3 id="api_sizing">Sizing, scrolling and positioning methods</h3>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="setSize"><code><strong>cm.setSize</strong>(width: number|string, height: number|string)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Programmatically set the size of the editor (overriding the
+      applicable <a href="#css-resize">CSS
+      rules</a>). <code>width</code> and <code>height</code>
+      can be either numbers (interpreted as pixels) or CSS units
+      (<code>"100%"</code>, for example). You can
+      pass <code>null</code> for either of them to indicate that that
+      dimension should not be changed.</dd>
+      <dt id="scrollTo"><code><strong>cm.scrollTo</strong>(x: number, y: number)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Scroll the editor to a given (pixel) position. Both
+      arguments may be left as <code>null</code>
+      or <code>undefined</code> to have no effect.</dd>
+      <dt id="getScrollInfo"><code><strong>cm.getScrollInfo</strong>() → {left, top, width, height, clientWidth, clientHeight}</code></dt>
+      <dd>Get an <code>{left, top, width, height, clientWidth,
+      clientHeight}</code> object that represents the current scroll
+      position, the size of the scrollable area, and the size of the
+      visible area (minus scrollbars).</dd>
+      <dt id="scrollIntoView"><code><strong>cm.scrollIntoView</strong>(what: {line, ch}|{left, top, right, bottom}|{from, to}|null, ?margin: number)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Scrolls the given position into view. <code>what</code> may
+      be <code>null</code> to scroll the cursor into view,
+      a <code>{line, ch}</code> position to scroll a character into
+      view, a <code>{left, top, right, bottom}</code> pixel range (in
+      editor-local coordinates), or a range <code>{from, to}</code>
+      containing either two character positions or two pixel squares.
+      The <code>margin</code> parameter is optional. When given, it
+      indicates the amount of vertical pixels around the given area
+      that should be made visible as well.</dd>
+      <dt id="cursorCoords"><code><strong>cm.cursorCoords</strong>(where: boolean|{line, ch}, mode: string) → {left, top, bottom}</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns an <code>{left, top, bottom}</code> object
+      containing the coordinates of the cursor position.
+      If <code>mode</code> is <code>"local"</code>, they will be
+      relative to the top-left corner of the editable document. If it
+      is <code>"page"</code> or not given, they are relative to the
+      top-left corner of the page. If <code>mode</code>
+      is <code>"window"</code>, the coordinates are relative to the
+      top-left corner of the currently visible (scrolled)
+      window. <code>where</code> can be a boolean indicating whether
+      you want the start (<code>true</code>) or the end
+      (<code>false</code>) of the selection, or, if a <code>{line,
+      ch}</code> object is given, it specifies the precise position at
+      which you want to measure.</dd>
+      <dt id="charCoords"><code><strong>cm.charCoords</strong>(pos: {line, ch}, ?mode: string) → {left, right, top, bottom}</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns the position and dimensions of an arbitrary
+      character. <code>pos</code> should be a <code>{line, ch}</code>
+      object. This differs from <code>cursorCoords</code> in that
+      it'll give the size of the whole character, rather than just the
+      position that the cursor would have when it would sit at that
+      position.</dd>
+      <dt id="coordsChar"><code><strong>cm.coordsChar</strong>(object: {left, top}, ?mode: string) → {line, ch}</code></dt>
+      <dd>Given an <code>{left, top}</code> object (e.g. coordinates of a mouse event) returns
+      the <code>{line, ch}</code> position that corresponds to it. The
+      optional <code>mode</code> parameter determines relative to what
+      the coordinates are interpreted. It may
+      be <code>"window"</code>, <code>"page"</code> (the default),
+      or <code>"local"</code>.</dd>
+      <dt id="lineAtHeight"><code><strong>cm.lineAtHeight</strong>(height: number, ?mode: string) → number</code></dt>
+      <dd>Computes the line at the given pixel
+      height. <code>mode</code> can be one of the same strings
+      that <a href="#coordsChar"><code>coordsChar</code></a>
+      accepts.</dd>
+      <dt id="heightAtLine"><code><strong>cm.heightAtLine</strong>(line: integer|LineHandle, ?mode: string, ?includeWidgets: bool) → number</code></dt>
+      <dd>Computes the height of the top of a line, in the coordinate
+      system specified by <code>mode</code>
+      (see <a href="#coordsChar"><code>coordsChar</code></a>), which
+      defaults to <code>"page"</code>. When a line below the bottom of
+      the document is specified, the returned value is the bottom of
+      the last line in the document. By default, the position of the
+      actual text is returned. If `includeWidgets` is true and the
+      line has line widgets, the position above the first line widget
+      is returned.</dd>
+      <dt id="defaultTextHeight"><code><strong>cm.defaultTextHeight</strong>() → number</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns the line height of the default font for the editor.</dd>
+      <dt id="defaultCharWidth"><code><strong>cm.defaultCharWidth</strong>() → number</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns the pixel width of an 'x' in the default font for
+      the editor. (Note that for non-monospace fonts, this is mostly
+      useless, and even for monospace fonts, non-ascii characters
+      might have a different width).</dd>
+      <dt id="getViewport"><code><strong>cm.getViewport</strong>() → {from: number, to: number}</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns a <code>{from, to}</code> object indicating the
+      start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) of the currently rendered
+      part of the document. In big documents, when most content is
+      scrolled out of view, CodeMirror will only render the visible
+      part, and a margin around it. See also
+      the <a href="#event_viewportChange"><code>viewportChange</code></a>
+      event.</dd>
+      <dt id="refresh"><code><strong>cm.refresh</strong>()</code></dt>
+      <dd>If your code does something to change the size of the editor
+      element (window resizes are already listened for), or unhides
+      it, you should probably follow up by calling this method to
+      ensure CodeMirror is still looking as intended. See also
+      the <a href="#addon_autorefresh">autorefresh addon</a>.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <h3 id="api_mode">Mode, state, and token-related methods</h3>
+    <p>When writing language-aware functionality, it can often be
+    useful to hook into the knowledge that the CodeMirror language
+    mode has. See <a href="#modeapi">the section on modes</a> for a
+    more detailed description of how these work.</p>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="getMode"><code><strong>doc.getMode</strong>() → object</code></dt>
+      <dd>Gets the (outer) mode object for the editor. Note that this
+      is distinct from <code>getOption("mode")</code>, which gives you
+      the mode specification, rather than the resolved, instantiated
+      <a href="#defineMode">mode object</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="getModeAt"><code><strong>cm.getModeAt</strong>(pos: {line, ch}) → object</code></dt>
+      <dd>Gets the inner mode at a given position. This will return
+      the same as <a href="#getMode"><code>getMode</code></a> for
+      simple modes, but will return an inner mode for nesting modes
+      (such as <code>htmlmixed</code>).</dd>
+      <dt id="getTokenAt"><code><strong>cm.getTokenAt</strong>(pos: {line, ch}, ?precise: boolean) → object</code></dt>
+      <dd>Retrieves information about the token the current mode found
+      before the given position (a <code>{line, ch}</code> object). The
+      returned object has the following properties:
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code><strong>start</strong></code></dt><dd>The character (on the given line) at which the token starts.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>end</strong></code></dt><dd>The character at which the token ends.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>string</strong></code></dt><dd>The token's string.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>type</strong></code></dt><dd>The token type the mode assigned
+        to the token, such as <code>"keyword"</code>
+        or <code>"comment"</code> (may also be null).</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>state</strong></code></dt><dd>The mode's state at the end of this token.</dd>
+      </dl>
+      If <code>precise</code> is true, the token will be guaranteed to be accurate based on recent edits. If false or
+      not specified, the token will use cached state information, which will be faster but might not be accurate if
+      edits were recently made and highlighting has not yet completed.
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="getLineTokens"><code><strong>cm.getLineTokens</strong>(line: integer, ?precise: boolean) → array&lt;{start, end, string, type, state}&gt;</code></dt>
+      <dd>This is similar
+      to <a href="#getTokenAt"><code>getTokenAt</code></a>, but
+      collects all tokens for a given line into an array. It is much
+      cheaper than repeatedly calling <code>getTokenAt</code>, which
+      re-parses the part of the line before the token for every call.</dd>
+      <dt id="getTokenTypeAt"><code><strong>cm.getTokenTypeAt</strong>(pos: {line, ch}) → string</code></dt>
+      <dd>This is a (much) cheaper version
+      of <a href="#getTokenAt"><code>getTokenAt</code></a> useful for
+      when you just need the type of the token at a given position,
+      and no other information. Will return <code>null</code> for
+      unstyled tokens, and a string, potentially containing multiple
+      space-separated style names, otherwise.</dd>
+      <dt id="getHelpers"><code><strong>cm.getHelpers</strong>(pos: {line, ch}, type: string) → array&lt;helper&gt;</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fetch the set of applicable helper values for the given
+      position. Helpers provide a way to look up functionality
+      appropriate for a mode. The <code>type</code> argument provides
+      the helper namespace (see
+      <a href="#registerHelper"><code>registerHelper</code></a>), in
+      which the values will be looked up. When the mode itself has a
+      property that corresponds to the <code>type</code>, that
+      directly determines the keys that are used to look up the helper
+      values (it may be either a single string, or an array of
+      strings). Failing that, the mode's <code>helperType</code>
+      property and finally the mode's name are used.</dd>
+      <dd>For example, the JavaScript mode has a
+      property <code>fold</code> containing <code>"brace"</code>. When
+      the <code>brace-fold</code> addon is loaded, that defines a
+      helper named <code>brace</code> in the <code>fold</code>
+      namespace. This is then used by
+      the <a href="#addon_foldcode"><code>foldcode</code></a> addon to
+      figure out that it can use that folding function to fold
+      JavaScript code.</dd>
+      <dd>When any <a href="#registerGlobalHelper">'global'</a>
+      helpers are defined for the given namespace, their predicates
+      are called on the current mode and editor, and all those that
+      declare they are applicable will also be added to the array that
+      is returned.</dd>
+      <dt id="getHelper"><code><strong>cm.getHelper</strong>(pos: {line, ch}, type: string) → helper</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns the first applicable helper value.
+      See <a href="#getHelpers"><code>getHelpers</code></a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="getStateAfter"><code><strong>cm.getStateAfter</strong>(?line: integer, ?precise: boolean) → object</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns the mode's parser state, if any, at the end of the
+      given line number. If no line number is given, the state at the
+      end of the document is returned. This can be useful for storing
+      parsing errors in the state, or getting other kinds of
+      contextual information for a line. <code>precise</code> is defined
+      as in <code>getTokenAt()</code>.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <h3 id="api_misc">Miscellaneous methods</h3>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="operation"><code><strong>cm.operation</strong>(func: () → any) → any</code></dt>
+      <dd>CodeMirror internally buffers changes and only updates its
+      DOM structure after it has finished performing some operation.
+      If you need to perform a lot of operations on a CodeMirror
+      instance, you can call this method with a function argument. It
+      will call the function, buffering up all changes, and only doing
+      the expensive update after the function returns. This can be a
+      lot faster. The return value from this method will be the return
+      value of your function.</dd>
+      <dt id="startOperation"><code><strong>cm.startOperation</strong>()</code></dt>
+      <dt id="endOperation"><code><strong>cm.endOperation</strong>()</code></dt>
+      <dd>In normal circumstances, use the above <code>operation</code>
+      method. But if you want to buffer operations happening asynchronously,
+      or that can't all be wrapped in a callback function, you can
+      call <code>startOperation</code> to tell CodeMirror to start
+      buffering changes, and <code>endOperation</code> to actually
+      render all the updates. <em>Be careful:</em> if you use this
+      API and forget to call <code>endOperation</code>, the editor will
+      just never update.</dd>
+      <dt id="indentLine"><code><strong>cm.indentLine</strong>(line: integer, ?dir: string|integer)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Adjust the indentation of the given line. The second
+      argument (which defaults to <code>"smart"</code>) may be one of:
+        <dl>
+          <dt><code><strong>"prev"</strong></code></dt>
+          <dd>Base indentation on the indentation of the previous line.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>"smart"</strong></code></dt>
+          <dd>Use the mode's smart indentation if available, behave
+          like <code>"prev"</code> otherwise.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>"add"</strong></code></dt>
+          <dd>Increase the indentation of the line by
+          one <a href="#option_indentUnit">indent unit</a>.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>"subtract"</strong></code></dt>
+          <dd>Reduce the indentation of the line.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>&lt;integer></strong></code></dt>
+          <dd>Add (positive number) or reduce (negative number) the
+          indentation by the given amount of spaces.</dd>
+        </dl></dd>
+      <dt id="toggleOverwrite"><code><strong>cm.toggleOverwrite</strong>(?value: boolean)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Switches between overwrite and normal insert mode (when not
+      given an argument), or sets the overwrite mode to a specific
+      state (when given an argument).</dd>
+      <dt id="isReadOnly"><code><strong>cm.isReadOnly</strong>() → boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Tells you whether the editor's content can be edited by the
+      user.</dd>
+      <dt id="lineSeparator"><code><strong>doc.lineSeparator</strong>()</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns the preferred line separator string for this
+      document, as per the <a href="#option_lineSeparator">option</a>
+      by the same name. When that option is <code>null</code>, the
+      string <code>"\n"</code> is returned.</dd>
+      <dt id="execCommand"><code><strong>cm.execCommand</strong>(name: string)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Runs the <a href="#commands">command</a> with the given name on the editor.</dd>
+      <dt id="posFromIndex"><code><strong>doc.posFromIndex</strong>(index: integer) → {line, ch}</code></dt>
+      <dd>Calculates and returns a <code>{line, ch}</code> object for a
+      zero-based <code>index</code> who's value is relative to the start of the
+      editor's text. If the <code>index</code> is out of range of the text then
+      the returned object is clipped to start or end of the text
+      respectively.</dd>
+      <dt id="indexFromPos"><code><strong>doc.indexFromPos</strong>(object: {line, ch}) → integer</code></dt>
+      <dd>The reverse of <a href="#posFromIndex"><code>posFromIndex</code></a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="focus"><code><strong>cm.focus</strong>()</code></dt>
+      <dd>Give the editor focus.</dd>
+      <dt id="phrase"><code><strong>cm.phrase</strong>(text: string) → string</code></dt>
+      <dd>Allow the given string to be translated with
+      the <a href="#option_phrases"><code>phrases</code>
+      option</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="getInputField"><code><strong>cm.getInputField</strong>() → Element</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns the input field for the editor. Will be a textarea
+      or an editable div, depending on the value of
+      the <a href="#option_inputStyle"><code>inputStyle</code></a>
+      option.</dd>
+      <dt id="getWrapperElement"><code><strong>cm.getWrapperElement</strong>() → Element</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns the DOM node that represents the editor, and
+      controls its size. Remove this from your tree to delete an
+      editor instance.</dd>
+      <dt id="getScrollerElement"><code><strong>cm.getScrollerElement</strong>() → Element</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns the DOM node that is responsible for the scrolling
+      of the editor.</dd>
+      <dt id="getGutterElement"><code><strong>cm.getGutterElement</strong>() → Element</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fetches the DOM node that contains the editor gutters.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <h3 id="api_static">Static properties</h3>
+    <p>The <code>CodeMirror</code> object itself provides
+    several useful properties.</p>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="version"><code><strong>CodeMirror.version</strong>: string</code></dt>
+      <dd>It contains a string that indicates the version of the
+      library. This is a triple of
+      integers <code>"major.minor.patch"</code>,
+      where <code>patch</code> is zero for releases, and something
+      else (usually one) for dev snapshots.</dd>
+      <dt id="fromTextArea"><code><strong>CodeMirror.fromTextArea</strong>(textArea: TextAreaElement, ?config: object)</code></dt>
+      <dd>This method provides another way to initialize an editor. It
+      takes a textarea DOM node as first argument and an optional
+      configuration object as second. It will replace the textarea
+      with a CodeMirror instance, and wire up the form of that
+      textarea (if any) to make sure the editor contents are put into
+      the textarea when the form is submitted. The text in the
+      textarea will provide the content for the editor. A CodeMirror
+      instance created this way has three additional methods:
+      <dl>
+        <dt id="save"><code><strong>cm.save</strong>()</code></dt>
+        <dd>Copy the content of the editor into the textarea.</dd>
+        <dt id="toTextArea"><code><strong>cm.toTextArea</strong>()</code></dt>
+        <dd>Remove the editor, and restore the original textarea (with
+        the editor's current content). If you dynamically create and
+        destroy editors made with `fromTextArea`, without destroying
+        the form they are part of, you should make sure to call
+        `toTextArea` to remove the editor, or its `"submit"` handler
+        on the form will cause a memory leak.</dd>
+        <dt id="getTextArea"><code><strong>cm.getTextArea</strong>() → TextAreaElement</code></dt>
+        <dd>Returns the textarea that the instance was based on.</dd>
+      </dl>
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="defaults"><code><strong>CodeMirror.defaults</strong>: object</code></dt>
+      <dd>An object containing default values for
+      all <a href="#config">options</a>. You can assign to its
+      properties to modify defaults (though this won't affect editors
+      that have already been created).</dd>
+      <dt id="defineExtension"><code><strong>CodeMirror.defineExtension</strong>(name: string, value: any)</code></dt>
+      <dd>If you want to define extra methods in terms of the
+      CodeMirror API, it is possible to
+      use <code>defineExtension</code>. This will cause the given
+      value (usually a method) to be added to all CodeMirror instances
+      created from then on.</dd>
+      <dt id="defineDocExtension"><code><strong>CodeMirror.defineDocExtension</strong>(name: string, value: any)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Like <a href="#defineExtension"><code>defineExtension</code></a>,
+      but the method will be added to the interface
+      for <a href="#Doc"><code>Doc</code></a> objects instead.</dd>
+      <dt id="defineOption"><code><strong>CodeMirror.defineOption</strong>(name: string,
+      default: any, updateFunc: function)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Similarly, <code>defineOption</code> can be used to define new options for
+      CodeMirror. The <code>updateFunc</code> will be called with the
+      editor instance and the new value when an editor is initialized,
+      and whenever the option is modified
+      through <a href="#setOption"><code>setOption</code></a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="defineInitHook"><code><strong>CodeMirror.defineInitHook</strong>(func: function)</code></dt>
+      <dd>If your extension just needs to run some
+      code whenever a CodeMirror instance is initialized,
+      use <code>CodeMirror.defineInitHook</code>. Give it a function as
+      its only argument, and from then on, that function will be called
+      (with the instance as argument) whenever a new CodeMirror instance
+      is initialized.</dd>
+      <dt id="registerHelper"><code><strong>CodeMirror.registerHelper</strong>(type: string, name: string, value: helper)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Registers a helper value with the given <code>name</code> in
+      the given namespace (<code>type</code>). This is used to define
+      functionality that may be looked up by mode. Will create (if it
+      doesn't already exist) a property on the <code>CodeMirror</code>
+      object for the given <code>type</code>, pointing to an object
+      that maps names to values. I.e. after
+      doing <code>CodeMirror.registerHelper("hint", "foo",
+      myFoo)</code>, the value <code>CodeMirror.hint.foo</code> will
+      point to <code>myFoo</code>.</dd>
+      <dt id="registerGlobalHelper"><code><strong>CodeMirror.registerGlobalHelper</strong>(type: string, name: string, predicate: fn(mode, CodeMirror), value: helper)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Acts
+      like <a href="#registerHelper"><code>registerHelper</code></a>,
+      but also registers this helper as 'global', meaning that it will
+      be included by <a href="#getHelpers"><code>getHelpers</code></a>
+      whenever the given <code>predicate</code> returns true when
+      called with the local mode and editor.</dd>
+      <dt id="Pos"><code><strong>CodeMirror.Pos</strong>(line: integer, ?ch: integer, ?sticky: string)</code></dt>
+      <dd>A constructor for the objects that are used to represent
+      positions in editor documents. <code>sticky</code> defaults to
+      null, but can be set to <code>"before"</code>
+      or <code>"after"</code> to make the position explicitly
+      associate with the character before or after it.</dd>
+      <dt id="changeEnd"><code><strong>CodeMirror.changeEnd</strong>(change: object) → {line, ch}</code></dt>
+      <dd>Utility function that computes an end position from a change
+      (an object with <code>from</code>, <code>to</code>,
+      and <code>text</code> properties, as passed to
+      various <a href="#event_change">event handlers</a>). The
+      returned position will be the end of the changed
+      range, <em>after</em> the change is applied.</dd>
+      <dt id="countColumn"><code><strong>CodeMirror.countColumn</strong>(line: string, index: number, tabSize: number) → number</code></dt>
+      <dd>Find the column position at a given string index using a given tabsize.</dd>
+    </dl>
+<section id=addons>
+    <h2 id="addons">Addons</h2>
+    <p>The <code>addon</code> directory in the distribution contains a
+    number of reusable components that implement extra editor
+    functionality (on top of extension functions
+    like <a href="#defineOption"><code>defineOption</code></a>, <a href="#defineExtension"><code>defineExtension</code></a>,
+    and <a href="#registerHelper"><code>registerHelper</code></a>). In
+    brief, they are:</p>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="addon_dialog"><a href="../addon/dialog/dialog.js"><code>dialog/dialog.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Provides a very simple way to query users for text input.
+      Adds the <strong><code>openDialog(template, callback, options) →
+      closeFunction</code></strong> method to CodeMirror instances,
+      which can be called with an HTML fragment or a detached DOM
+      node that provides the prompt (should include an <code>input</code>
+      or <code>button</code> tag), and a callback function that is called
+      when the user presses enter. It returns a function <code>closeFunction</code>
+      which, if called, will close the dialog immediately.
+      <strong><code>openDialog</code></strong> takes the following options:
+        <dl>
+          <dt><code><strong>closeOnEnter</strong>: bool</code></dt>
+          <dd>If true, the dialog will be closed when the user presses
+          enter in the input. Defaults to <code>true</code>.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>closeOnBlur</strong>: bool</code></dt>
+          <dd>Determines whether the dialog is closed when it loses focus. Defaults to <code>true</code>.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>onKeyDown</strong>: fn(event: KeyboardEvent, value: string, close: fn()) → bool</code></dt>
+          <dd>An event handler that will be called whenever <code>keydown</code> fires in the
+          dialog's input. If your callback returns <code>true</code>,
+          the dialog will not do any further processing of the event.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>onKeyUp</strong>: fn(event: KeyboardEvent, value: string, close: fn()) → bool</code></dt>
+          <dd>Same as <code>onKeyDown</code> but for the
+          <code>keyup</code> event.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>onInput</strong>: fn(event: InputEvent, value: string, close: fn()) → bool</code></dt>
+          <dd>Same as <code>onKeyDown</code> but for the
+          <code>input</code> event.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>onClose</strong>: fn(instance)</code>:</dt>
+          <dd>A callback that will be called after the dialog has been closed and
+          removed from the DOM. No return value.</dd>
+        </dl>
+      <p>Also adds an <strong><code>openNotification(template, options) →
+      closeFunction</code></strong> function that simply shows an HTML
+      fragment as a notification at the top of the editor. It takes a
+      single option: <code>duration</code>, the amount of time after
+      which the notification will be automatically closed. If <code>
+      duration</code> is zero, the dialog will not be closed automatically.</p>
+      <p>Depends on <code>addon/dialog/dialog.css</code>.</p></dd>
+      <dt id="addon_searchcursor"><a href="../addon/search/searchcursor.js"><code>search/searchcursor.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Adds the <code>getSearchCursor(query, start, options) →
+      cursor</code> method to CodeMirror instances, which can be used
+      to implement search/replace functionality. <code>query</code>
+      can be a regular expression or a string. <code>start</code>
+      provides the starting position of the search. It can be
+      a <code>{line, ch}</code> object, or can be left off to default
+      to the start of the document. <code>options</code> is an
+      optional object, which can contain the property `caseFold:
+      false` to disable case folding when matching a string, or the
+      property `multiline: disable` to disable multi-line matching for
+      regular expressions (which may help performance). A search
+      cursor has the following methods:
+        <dl>
+          <dt><code><strong>findNext</strong>() → boolean</code></dt>
+          <dt><code><strong>findPrevious</strong>() → boolean</code></dt>
+          <dd>Search forward or backward from the current position.
+          The return value indicates whether a match was found. If
+          matching a regular expression, the return value will be the
+          array returned by the <code>match</code> method, in case you
+          want to extract matched groups.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>from</strong>() → {line, ch}</code></dt>
+          <dt><code><strong>to</strong>() → {line, ch}</code></dt>
+          <dd>These are only valid when the last call
+          to <code>findNext</code> or <code>findPrevious</code> did
+          not return false. They will return <code>{line, ch}</code>
+          objects pointing at the start and end of the match.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>replace</strong>(text: string, ?origin: string)</code></dt>
+          <dd>Replaces the currently found match with the given text
+          and adjusts the cursor position to reflect the
+          replacement.</dd>
+        </dl></dd>
+      <dt id="addon_search"><a href="../addon/search/search.js"><code>search/search.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Implements the search commands. CodeMirror has keys bound to
+      these by default, but will not do anything with them unless an
+      implementation is provided. Depends
+      on <code>searchcursor.js</code>, and will make use
+      of <a href="#addon_dialog"><code>openDialog</code></a> when
+      available to make prompting for search queries less ugly.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_jump-to-line"><a href="../addon/search/jump-to-line.js"><code>search/jump-to-line.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Implements a <code>jumpToLine</code> command and binding <code>Alt-G</code> to it.
+      Accepts <code>linenumber</code>, <code>+/-linenumber</code>, <code>line:char</code>,
+      <code>scroll%</code> and <code>:linenumber</code> formats.
+      This will make use of <a href="#addon_dialog"><code>openDialog</code></a>
+      when available to make prompting for line number neater.</dd> Demo available <a href="https://codemirror.net/5/demo/search.html">here</a>.
+      <dt id="addon_matchesonscrollbar"><a href="../addon/search/matchesonscrollbar.js"><code>search/matchesonscrollbar.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Adds a <code>showMatchesOnScrollbar</code> method to editor
+      instances, which should be given a query (string or regular
+      expression), optionally a case-fold flag (only applicable for
+      strings), and optionally a class name (defaults
+      to <code>CodeMirror-search-match</code>) as arguments. When
+      called, matches of the given query will be displayed on the
+      editor's vertical scrollbar. The method returns an object with
+      a <code>clear</code> method that can be called to remove the
+      matches. Depends on
+      the <a href="#addon_annotatescrollbar"><code>annotatescrollbar</code></a>
+      addon, and
+      the <a href="../addon/search/matchesonscrollbar.css"><code>matchesonscrollbar.css</code></a>
+      file provides a default (transparent yellowish) definition of
+      the CSS class applied to the matches. Note that the matches are
+      only perfectly aligned if your scrollbar does not have buttons
+      at the top and bottom. You can use
+      the <a href="#addon_simplescrollbars"><code>simplescrollbar</code></a>
+      addon to make sure of this. If this addon is loaded,
+      the <a href="#addon_search"><code>search</code></a> addon will
+      automatically use it.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_matchbrackets"><a href="../addon/edit/matchbrackets.js"><code>edit/matchbrackets.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Defines an option <code>matchBrackets</code> which, when set
+      to true or an options object, causes matching brackets to be
+      highlighted whenever the cursor is next to them. It also adds a
+      method <code>matchBrackets</code> that forces this to happen
+      once, and a method <code>findMatchingBracket</code> that can be
+      used to run the bracket-finding algorithm that this uses
+      internally. It takes a start position and an optional config
+      object. By default, it will find the match to a matchable
+      character either before or after the cursor (preferring the one
+      before), but you can control its behavior with these options:
+        <dl>
+          <dt><strong><code>afterCursor</code></strong></dt>
+          <dd>Only use the character after the start position, never the one before it.</dd>
+          <dt><strong><code>highlightNonMatching</code></strong></dt>
+          <dd>Also highlight pairs of non-matching as well as stray brackets. Enabled by default.</dd>
+          <dt><strong><code>strict</code></strong></dt>
+          <dd>Causes only matches where both brackets are at the same side of the start position to be considered.</dd>
+          <dt><strong><code>maxScanLines</code></strong></dt>
+          <dd>Stop after scanning this amount of lines without a successful match. Defaults to 1000.</dd>
+          <dt><strong><code>maxScanLineLength</code></strong></dt>
+          <dd>Ignore lines longer than this. Defaults to 10000.</dd>
+          <dt><strong><code>maxHighlightLineLength</code></strong></dt>
+          <dd>Don't highlight a bracket in a line longer than this. Defaults to 1000.</dd>
+        </dl></dd>
+      <dt id="addon_closebrackets"><a href="../addon/edit/closebrackets.js"><code>edit/closebrackets.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Defines an option <code>autoCloseBrackets</code> that will
+      auto-close brackets and quotes when typed. By default, it'll
+      auto-close <code>()[]{}''""</code>, but you can pass it a string
+      similar to that (containing pairs of matching characters), or an
+      object with <code>pairs</code> and
+      optionally <code>explode</code> properties to customize
+      it. <code>explode</code> should be a similar string that gives
+      the pairs of characters that, when enter is pressed between
+      them, should have the second character also moved to its own
+      line. By default, if the active mode has
+      a <code>closeBrackets</code> property, that overrides the
+      configuration given in the option. But you can add
+      an <code>override</code> property with a truthy value to
+      override mode-specific
+      configuration. <a href="../demo/closebrackets.html">Demo
+      here</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_matchtags"><a href="../addon/edit/matchtags.js"><code>edit/matchtags.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Defines an option <code>matchTags</code> that, when enabled,
+      will cause the tags around the cursor to be highlighted (using
+      the <code>CodeMirror-matchingtag</code> class). Also
+      defines
+      a <a href="#commands">command</a> <code>toMatchingTag</code>,
+      which you can bind a key to in order to jump to the tag matching
+      the one under the cursor. Depends on
+      the <code>addon/fold/xml-fold.js</code>
+      addon. <a href="../demo/matchtags.html">Demo here.</a></dd>
+      <dt id="addon_trailingspace"><a href="../addon/edit/trailingspace.js"><code>edit/trailingspace.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Adds an option <code>showTrailingSpace</code> which, when
+      enabled, adds the CSS class <code>cm-trailingspace</code> to
+      stretches of whitespace at the end of lines.
+      The <a href="../demo/trailingspace.html">demo</a> has a nice
+      squiggly underline style for this class.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_closetag"><a href="../addon/edit/closetag.js"><code>edit/closetag.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Defines an <code>autoCloseTags</code> option that will
+      auto-close XML tags when '<code>&gt;</code>' or '<code>/</code>'
+      is typed, and
+      a <code>closeTag</code> <a href="#commands">command</a> that
+      closes the nearest open tag. Depends on
+      the <code>fold/xml-fold.js</code> addon. See
+      the <a href="../demo/closetag.html">demo</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_continuelist"><a href="../addon/edit/continuelist.js"><code>edit/continuelist.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Markdown specific. Defines
+      a <code>"newlineAndIndentContinueMarkdownList"</code> <a href="#commands">command</a>
+      that can be bound to <code>enter</code> to automatically
+      insert the leading characters for continuing a list. See
+      the <a href="../mode/markdown/index.html">Markdown mode
+      demo</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_comment"><a href="../addon/comment/comment.js"><code>comment/comment.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Addon for commenting and uncommenting code. Adds four
+      methods to CodeMirror instances:
+      <dl>
+        <dt id="toggleComment"><code><strong>toggleComment</strong>(?options: object)</code></dt>
+        <dd>Tries to uncomment the current selection, and if that
+        fails, line-comments it.</dd>
+        <dt id="lineComment"><code><strong>lineComment</strong>(from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}, ?options: object)</code></dt>
+        <dd>Set the lines in the given range to be line comments. Will
+        fall back to <code>blockComment</code> when no line comment
+        style is defined for the mode.</dd>
+        <dt id="blockComment"><code><strong>blockComment</strong>(from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}, ?options: object)</code></dt>
+        <dd>Wrap the code in the given range in a block comment. Will
+        fall back to <code>lineComment</code> when no block comment
+        style is defined for the mode.</dd>
+        <dt id="uncomment"><code><strong>uncomment</strong>(from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}, ?options: object) → boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>Try to uncomment the given range.
+          Returns <code>true</code> if a comment range was found and
+          removed, <code>false</code> otherwise.</dd>
+      </dl>
+      The <code>options</code> object accepted by these methods may
+      have the following properties:
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code>blockCommentStart, blockCommentEnd, blockCommentLead, lineComment: string</code></dt>
+        <dd>Override the <a href="#mode_comment">comment string
+        properties</a> of the mode with custom comment strings.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>padding</strong>: string</code></dt>
+        <dd>A string that will be inserted after opening and leading
+        markers, and before closing comment markers. Defaults to a
+        single space.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>commentBlankLines</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>Whether, when adding line comments, to also comment lines
+        that contain only whitespace.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>indent</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>When adding line comments and this is turned on, it will
+        align the comment block to the current indentation of the
+        first line of the block.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>fullLines</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>When block commenting, this controls whether the whole
+        lines are indented, or only the precise range that is given.
+        Defaults to <code>true</code>.</dd>
+      </dl>
+      The addon also defines
+      a <code>toggleComment</code> <a href="#commands">command</a>,
+      which is a shorthand command for calling
+      <code>toggleComment</code> with no options.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_foldcode"><a href="../addon/fold/foldcode.js"><code>fold/foldcode.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Helps with code folding. Adds a <code>foldCode</code> method
+      to editor instances, which will try to do a code fold starting
+      at the given line, or unfold the fold that is already present.
+      The method takes as first argument the position that should be
+      folded (may be a line number or
+      a <a href="#Pos"><code>Pos</code></a>), and as second optional
+      argument either a range-finder function, or an options object,
+      supporting the following properties:
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code><strong>rangeFinder</strong>: fn(CodeMirror, Pos)</code></dt>
+        <dd id="helper_fold_auto">The function that is used to find
+        foldable ranges. If this is not directly passed, it will
+        default to <code>CodeMirror.fold.auto</code>, which
+        uses <a href="#getHelpers"><code>getHelpers</code></a> with
+        a <code>"fold"</code> type to find folding functions
+        appropriate for the local mode. There are files in
+        the <a href="../addon/fold/"><code>addon/fold/</code></a>
+        directory providing <code>CodeMirror.fold.brace</code>, which
+        finds blocks in brace languages (JavaScript, C, Java,
+        etc), <code>CodeMirror.fold.indent</code>, for languages where
+        indentation determines block structure (Python, Haskell),
+        and <code>CodeMirror.fold.xml</code>, for XML-style languages,
+        and <code>CodeMirror.fold.comment</code>, for folding comment
+        blocks.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>widget</strong>: string | Element | fn(from: Pos, to: Pos) → string|Element</code></dt>
+        <dd>The widget to show for folded ranges. Can be either a
+        string, in which case it'll become a span with
+        class <code>CodeMirror-foldmarker</code>, or a DOM node.
+        To dynamically generate the widget, this can be a function
+        that returns a string or DOM node, which will then render
+        as described. The function will be invoked with parameters
+        identifying the range to be folded.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>scanUp</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>When true (default is false), the addon will try to find
+        foldable ranges on the lines above the current one if there
+        isn't an eligible one on the given line.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>minFoldSize</strong>: integer</code></dt>
+        <dd>The minimum amount of lines that a fold should span to be
+        accepted. Defaults to 0, which also allows single-line
+        folds.</dd>
+      </dl>
+      See <a href="../demo/folding.html">the demo</a> for an
+      example.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_foldgutter"><a href="../addon/fold/foldgutter.js"><code>fold/foldgutter.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Provides an option <code>foldGutter</code>, which can be
+      used to create a gutter with markers indicating the blocks that
+      can be folded. Create a gutter using
+      the <a href="#option_gutters"><code>gutters</code></a> option,
+      giving it the class <code>CodeMirror-foldgutter</code> or
+      something else if you configure the addon to use a different
+      class, and this addon will show markers next to folded and
+      foldable blocks, and handle clicks in this gutter. Note that
+      CSS styles should be applied to make the gutter, and the fold
+      markers within it, visible. A default set of CSS styles are
+      available in:
+      <a href="../addon/fold/foldgutter.css">
+        <code>addon/fold/foldgutter.css</code>
+      </a>.
+      The option
+      can be either set to <code>true</code>, or an object containing
+      the following optional option fields:
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code><strong>gutter</strong>: string</code></dt>
+        <dd>The CSS class of the gutter. Defaults
+        to <code>"CodeMirror-foldgutter"</code>. You will have to
+        style this yourself to give it a width (and possibly a
+        background). See the default gutter style rules above.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>indicatorOpen</strong>: string | Element</code></dt>
+        <dd>A CSS class or DOM element to be used as the marker for
+        open, foldable blocks. Defaults
+        to <code>"CodeMirror-foldgutter-open"</code>.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>indicatorFolded</strong>: string | Element</code></dt>
+        <dd>A CSS class or DOM element to be used as the marker for
+        folded blocks. Defaults to <code>"CodeMirror-foldgutter-folded"</code>.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>rangeFinder</strong>: fn(CodeMirror, Pos)</code></dt>
+        <dd>The range-finder function to use when determining whether
+        something can be folded. When not
+        given, <a href="#helper_fold_auto"><code>CodeMirror.fold.auto</code></a>
+        will be used as default.</dd>
+      </dl>
+      The <code>foldOptions</code> editor option can be set to an
+      object to provide an editor-wide default configuration.
+      Demo <a href="../demo/folding.html">here</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_runmode"><a href="../addon/runmode/runmode.js"><code>runmode/runmode.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Can be used to run a CodeMirror mode over text without
+      actually opening an editor instance.
+      See <a href="../demo/runmode.html">the demo</a> for an example.
+      There are alternate versions of the file available for
+      running <a href="../addon/runmode/runmode-standalone.js">stand-alone</a>
+      (without including all of CodeMirror) and
+      for <a href="../addon/runmode/runmode.node.js">running under
+      node.js</a> (see <code>bin/source-highlight</code> for an example of using the latter).</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_colorize"><a href="../addon/runmode/colorize.js"><code>runmode/colorize.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Provides a convenient way to syntax-highlight code snippets
+      in a webpage. Depends on
+      the <a href="#addon_runmode"><code>runmode</code></a> addon (or
+      its standalone variant). Provides
+      a <code>CodeMirror.colorize</code> function that can be called
+      with an array (or other array-ish collection) of DOM nodes that
+      represent the code snippets. By default, it'll get
+      all <code>pre</code> tags. Will read the <code>data-lang</code>
+      attribute of these nodes to figure out their language, and
+      syntax-color their content using the relevant CodeMirror mode
+      (you'll have to load the scripts for the relevant modes
+      yourself). A second argument may be provided to give a default
+      mode, used when no language attribute is found for a node. Used
+      in this manual to highlight example code.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_overlay"><a href="../addon/mode/overlay.js"><code>mode/overlay.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Mode combinator that can be used to extend a mode with an
+      'overlay' — a secondary mode is run over the stream, along with
+      the base mode, and can color specific pieces of text without
+      interfering with the base mode.
+      Defines <code>CodeMirror.overlayMode</code>, which is used to
+      create such a mode. See <a href="../demo/mustache.html">this
+      demo</a> for a detailed example.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_multiplex"><a href="../addon/mode/multiplex.js"><code>mode/multiplex.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Mode combinator that can be used to easily 'multiplex'
+      between several modes.
+      Defines <code>CodeMirror.multiplexingMode</code> which, when
+      given as first argument a mode object, and as other arguments
+      any number of <code>{open, close, mode [, delimStyle, innerStyle, parseDelimiters]}</code>
+      objects, will return a mode object that starts parsing using the
+      mode passed as first argument, but will switch to another mode
+      as soon as it encounters a string that occurs in one of
+      the <code>open</code> fields of the passed objects. When in a
+      sub-mode, it will go back to the top mode again when
+      the <code>close</code> string is encountered.
+      Pass <code>"\n"</code> for <code>open</code> or <code>close</code>
+      if you want to switch on a blank line.
+      <ul><li>When <code>delimStyle</code> is specified, it will be the token
+      style returned for the delimiter tokens (as well as
+      <code>[delimStyle]-open</code> on the opening token and
+      <code>[delimStyle]-close</code> on the closing token).</li>
+      <li>When <code>innerStyle</code> is specified, it will be the token
+      style added for each inner mode token.</li>
+      <li>When <code>parseDelimiters</code> is true, the content of
+      the delimiters will also be passed to the inner mode.
+      (And <code>delimStyle</code> is ignored.)</li></ul> The outer
+      mode will not see the content between the delimiters.
+      See <a href="../demo/multiplex.html">this demo</a> for an
+      example.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_show-hint"><a href="../addon/hint/show-hint.js"><code>hint/show-hint.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Provides a framework for showing autocompletion hints.
+      Defines <code>editor.showHint</code>, which takes an optional
+      options object, and pops up a widget that allows the user to
+      select a completion. Finding hints is done with a hinting
+      function (the <code>hint</code> option). This function
+      takes an editor instance and an options object, and returns
+      a <code>{list, from, to}</code> object, where <code>list</code>
+      is an array of strings or objects (the completions),
+      and <code>from</code> and <code>to</code> give the start and end
+      of the token that is being completed as <code>{line, ch}</code>
+      objects. An optional <code>selectedHint</code> property (an
+      integer) can be added to the completion object to control the
+      initially selected hint.</dd>
+      <dd>If no hinting function is given, the addon will
+      use <code>CodeMirror.hint.auto</code>, which
+      calls <a href="#getHelpers"><code>getHelpers</code></a> with
+      the <code>"hint"</code> type to find applicable hinting
+      functions, and tries them one by one. If that fails, it looks
+      for a <code>"hintWords"</code> helper to fetch a list of
+      completeable words for the mode, and
+      uses <code>CodeMirror.hint.fromList</code> to complete from
+      those.</dd>
+      <dd>When completions aren't simple strings, they should be
+      objects with the following properties:
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code><strong>text</strong>: string</code></dt>
+        <dd>The completion text. This is the only required
+        property.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>displayText</strong>: string</code></dt>
+        <dd>The text that should be displayed in the menu.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>className</strong>: string</code></dt>
+        <dd>A CSS class name to apply to the completion's line in the
+        menu.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>render</strong>: fn(Element, self, data)</code></dt>
+        <dd>A method used to create the DOM structure for showing the
+        completion by appending it to its first argument.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>hint</strong>: fn(CodeMirror, self, data)</code></dt>
+        <dd>A method used to actually apply the completion, instead of
+        the default behavior.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>from</strong>: {line, ch}</code></dt>
+        <dd>Optional <code>from</code> position that will be used by <code>pick()</code> instead
+        of the global one passed with the full list of completions.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>to</strong>: {line, ch}</code></dt>
+        <dd>Optional <code>to</code> position that will be used by <code>pick()</code> instead
+        of the global one passed with the full list of completions.</dd>
+      </dl></dd>
+      <dd>The plugin understands the following options, which may be
+      either passed directly in the argument to <code>showHint</code>,
+      or provided by setting an <code>hintOptions</code> editor
+      option to an object (the former takes precedence). The options
+      object will also be passed along to the hinting function, which
+      may understand additional options.
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code><strong>hint</strong>: function</code></dt>
+        <dd>A hinting function, as specified above. It is possible to
+        set the <code>async</code> property on a hinting function to
+        true, in which case it will be called with
+        arguments <code>(cm, callback, ?options)</code>, and the
+        completion interface will only be popped up when the hinting
+        function calls the callback, passing it the object holding the
+        completions.
+        The hinting function can also return a promise, and the completion
+        interface will only be popped when the promise resolves.
+        By default, hinting only works when there is no
+        selection. You can give a hinting function
+        a <code>supportsSelection</code> property with a truthy value
+        to indicate that it supports selections.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>completeSingle</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>Determines whether, when only a single completion is
+        available, it is completed without showing the dialog.
+        Defaults to true.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>alignWithWord</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>Whether the pop-up should be horizontally aligned with the
+        start of the word (true, default), or with the cursor (false).</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>closeCharacters</strong>: RegExp</code></dt>
+        <dd>A regular expression object used to match characters which
+        cause the pop up to be closed (default: <code>/[\s()\[\]{};:>,]/</code>).
+        If the user types one of these characters, the pop up will close, and
+        the <code>endCompletion</code> event is fired on the editor instance.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>closeOnUnfocus</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>When enabled (which is the default), the pop-up will close
+        when the editor is unfocused.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>completeOnSingleClick</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>Whether a single click on a list item suffices to trigger the
+        completion (which is the default), or if the user has to use a
+        doubleclick.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>container</strong>: Element|null</code></dt>
+        <dd>Can be used to define a custom container for the widget. The default
+        is <code>null</code>, in which case the <code>body</code>-element will
+        be used.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>customKeys</strong>: keymap</code></dt>
+        <dd>Allows you to provide a custom key map of keys to be active
+        when the pop-up is active. The handlers will be called with an
+        extra argument, a handle to the completion menu, which
+        has <code>moveFocus(n)</code>, <code>setFocus(n)</code>, <code>pick()</code>,
+        and <code>close()</code> methods (see the source for details),
+        that can be used to change the focused element, pick the
+        current element or close the menu. Additionally <code>menuSize()</code>
+        can give you access to the size of the current dropdown menu,
+        <code>length</code> give you the number of available completions, and
+        <code>data</code> give you full access to the completion returned by the
+        hinting function.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>extraKeys</strong>: keymap</code></dt>
+        <dd>Like <code>customKeys</code> above, but the bindings will
+        be added to the set of default bindings, instead of replacing
+        them.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>scrollMargin</strong>: integer</code></dt>
+        <dd>Show this many lines before and after the selected item.
+        Default is 0.</dd>
+      </dl>
+      The following events will be fired on the completions object
+      during completion:
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code><strong>"shown"</strong> ()</code></dt>
+        <dd>Fired when the pop-up is shown.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>"select"</strong> (completion, Element)</code></dt>
+        <dd>Fired when a completion is selected. Passed the completion
+        value (string or object) and the DOM node that represents it
+        in the menu.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>"pick"</strong> (completion)</code></dt>
+        <dd>Fired when a completion is picked. Passed the completion value
+        (string or object).</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>"close"</strong> ()</code></dt>
+        <dd>Fired when the completion is finished.</dd>
+      </dl>
+      The following events will be fired on the editor instance during
+      completion:
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code><strong>"endCompletion"</strong> ()</code></dt>
+        <dd>Fired when the pop-up is being closed programmatically, e.g., when
+        the user types a character which matches the
+        <code>closeCharacters</code> option.</dd>
+      </dl>
+      This addon depends on styles
+      from <code>addon/hint/show-hint.css</code>. Check
+      out <a href="../demo/complete.html">the demo</a> for an
+      example.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_javascript-hint"><a href="../addon/hint/javascript-hint.js"><code>hint/javascript-hint.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Defines a simple hinting function for JavaScript
+      (<code>CodeMirror.hint.javascript</code>) and CoffeeScript
+      (<code>CodeMirror.hint.coffeescript</code>) code. This will
+      simply use the JavaScript environment that the editor runs in as
+      a source of information about objects and their properties.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_xml-hint"><a href="../addon/hint/xml-hint.js"><code>hint/xml-hint.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Defines <code>CodeMirror.hint.xml</code>, which produces
+      hints for XML tagnames, attribute names, and attribute values,
+      guided by a <code>schemaInfo</code> option (a property of the
+      second argument passed to the hinting function, or the third
+      argument passed to <code>CodeMirror.showHint</code>).<br>The
+      schema info should be an object mapping tag names to information
+      about these tags, with optionally a <code>"!top"</code> property
+      containing a list of the names of valid top-level tags. The
+      values of the properties should be objects with optional
+      properties <code>children</code> (an array of valid child
+      element names, omit to simply allow all tags to appear)
+      and <code>attrs</code> (an object mapping attribute names
+      to <code>null</code> for free-form attributes, and an array of
+      valid values for restricted
+      attributes).<br>The hint options accept an additional property:
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code><strong>matchInMiddle</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+        <dd>Determines whether typed characters are matched anywhere in
+        completions, not just at the beginning. Defaults to false.</dd>
+      </dl>
+      <a href="../demo/xmlcomplete.html">Demo here</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_html-hint"><a href="../addon/hint/html-hint.js"><code>hint/html-hint.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Provides schema info to
+      the <a href="#addon_xml-hint">xml-hint</a> addon for HTML
+      documents. Defines a schema
+      object <code>CodeMirror.htmlSchema</code> that you can pass to
+      as a <code>schemaInfo</code> option, and
+      a <code>CodeMirror.hint.html</code> hinting function that
+      automatically calls <code>CodeMirror.hint.xml</code> with this
+      schema data. See
+      the <a href="../demo/html5complete.html">demo</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_css-hint"><a href="../addon/hint/css-hint.js"><code>hint/css-hint.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>A hinting function for CSS, SCSS, or LESS code.
+      Defines <code>CodeMirror.hint.css</code>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_anyword-hint"><a href="../addon/hint/anyword-hint.js"><code>hint/anyword-hint.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>A very simple hinting function
+      (<code>CodeMirror.hint.anyword</code>) that simply looks for
+      words in the nearby code and completes to those. Takes two
+      optional options, <code>word</code>, a regular expression that
+      matches words (sequences of one or more character),
+      and <code>range</code>, which defines how many lines the addon
+      should scan when completing (defaults to 500).</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_sql-hint"><a href="../addon/hint/sql-hint.js"><code>hint/sql-hint.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>A simple SQL hinter. Defines <code>CodeMirror.hint.sql</code>.
+      Takes two optional options, <code>tables</code>, a object with
+      table names as keys and array of respective column names as values,
+      and <code>defaultTable</code>, a string corresponding to a
+      table name in <code>tables</code> for autocompletion.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_match-highlighter"><a href="../addon/search/match-highlighter.js"><code>search/match-highlighter.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Adds a <code>highlightSelectionMatches</code> option that
+      can be enabled to highlight all instances of a currently
+      selected word. Can be set either to true or to an object
+      containing the following options: <code>minChars</code>, for the
+      minimum amount of selected characters that triggers a highlight
+      (default 2), <code>style</code>, for the style to be used to
+      highlight the matches (default <code>"matchhighlight"</code>,
+      which will correspond to CSS
+      class <code>cm-matchhighlight</code>), <code>trim</code>, which
+      controls whether whitespace is trimmed from the selection,
+      and <code>showToken</code> which can be set to <code>true</code>
+      or to a regexp matching the characters that make up a word. When
+      enabled, it causes the current word to be highlighted when
+      nothing is selected (defaults to off).
+      Demo <a href="../demo/matchhighlighter.html">here</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_lint"><a href="../addon/lint/lint.js"><code>lint/lint.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Defines an interface component for showing linting warnings,
+      with pluggable warning sources
+      (see <a href="../addon/lint/html-lint.js"><code>html-lint.js</code></a>,
+      <a href="../addon/lint/json-lint.js"><code>json-lint.js</code></a>,
+      <a href="../addon/lint/javascript-lint.js"><code>javascript-lint.js</code></a>,
+      <a href="../addon/lint/coffeescript-lint.js"><code>coffeescript-lint.js</code></a>,
+      and <a href="../addon/lint/css-lint.js"><code>css-lint.js</code></a>
+      in the same directory). Defines a <code>lint</code> option that
+      can be set to an annotation source (for
+      example <code>CodeMirror.lint.javascript</code>), to an options
+      object (in which case the <code>getAnnotations</code> field is
+      used as annotation source), or simply to <code>true</code>. When
+      no annotation source is
+      specified, <a href="#getHelper"><code>getHelper</code></a> with
+      type <code>"lint"</code> is used to find an annotation function.
+      An annotation source function should, when given a document
+      string, an options object, and an editor instance, return an
+      array of <code>{message, severity, from, to}</code> objects
+      representing problems. When the function has
+      an <code>async</code> property with a truthy value, it will be
+      called with an additional second argument, which is a callback
+      to pass the array to.
+      The linting function can also return a promise, in that case the linter
+      will only be executed when the promise resolves.
+      By default, the linter will run (debounced) whenever the document is changed.
+      You can pass a <code>lintOnChange: false</code> option to disable that.
+      You can pass a <code>selfContain: true</code> option to render the tooltip inside the editor instance.
+      And a <code>highlightLines</code> option to add a style to lines that contain problems.
+      Depends on <code>addon/lint/lint.css</code>. A demo can be
+      found <a href="../demo/lint.html">here</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_mark-selection"><a href="../addon/selection/mark-selection.js"><code>selection/mark-selection.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Causes the selected text to be marked with the CSS class
+      <code>CodeMirror-selectedtext</code> when the <code>styleSelectedText</code> option
+      is enabled. Useful to change the colour of the selection (in addition to the background),
+      like in <a href="../demo/markselection.html">this demo</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_active-line"><a href="../addon/selection/active-line.js"><code>selection/active-line.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Defines a <code>styleActiveLine</code> option that, when
+      enabled, gives the wrapper of the line that contains the cursor
+      the class <code>CodeMirror-activeline</code>, adds a background
+      with the class <code>CodeMirror-activeline-background</code>,
+      and adds the class <code>CodeMirror-activeline-gutter</code> to
+      the line's gutter space is enabled. The option's value may be a
+      boolean or an object specifying the following options:
+        <dl>
+          <dt><code><strong>nonEmpty</strong>: bool</code></dt>
+          <dd>Controls whether single-line selections, or just cursor
+          selections, are styled. Defaults to false (only cursor
+          selections).</dd>
+        </dl>
+      See the <a href="../demo/activeline.html">demo</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_selection-pointer"><a href="../addon/selection/selection-pointer.js"><code>selection/selection-pointer.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Defines a <code>selectionPointer</code> option which you can
+      use to control the mouse cursor appearance when hovering over
+      the selection. It can be set to a string,
+      like <code>"pointer"</code>, or to true, in which case
+      the <code>"default"</code> (arrow) cursor will be used. You can
+      see a demo <a href="../mode/htmlmixed/index.html">here</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_loadmode"><a href="../addon/mode/loadmode.js"><code>mode/loadmode.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Defines a <code>CodeMirror.requireMode(modename, callback,
+      options)</code> function that will try to load a given mode and
+      call the callback when it succeeded. <code>options</code> is an
+      optional object that may contain:
+        <dl>
+          <dt><code><strong>path</strong>: fn(modeName: string) → string</code></dt>
+          <dd>Defines the way mode names are mapped to paths.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>loadMode</strong>: fn(path: string, cont: fn())</code></dt>
+          <dd>Override the way the mode script is loaded. By default,
+          this will use the CommonJS or AMD module loader if one is
+          present, and fall back to creating
+          a <code>&lt;script></code> tag otherwise.</dd>
+        </dl>
+      This addon also
+      defines <code>CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(instance, mode)</code>,
+      which will ensure the given mode is loaded and cause the given
+      editor instance to refresh its mode when the loading
+      succeeded. See the <a href="../demo/loadmode.html">demo</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_meta"><a href="../mode/meta.js"><code>mode/meta.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Provides meta-information about all the modes in the
+      distribution in a single file.
+      Defines <code>CodeMirror.modeInfo</code>, an array of objects
+      with <code>{name, mime, mode}</code> properties,
+      where <code>name</code> is the human-readable
+      name, <code>mime</code> the MIME type, and <code>mode</code> the
+      name of the mode file that defines this MIME. There are optional
+      properties <code>mimes</code>, which holds an array of MIME
+      types for modes with multiple MIMEs associated,
+      and <code>ext</code>, which holds an array of file extensions
+      associated with this mode. Four convenience
+      functions, <code>CodeMirror.findModeByMIME</code>,
+      <code>CodeMirror.findModeByExtension</code>,
+      <code>CodeMirror.findModeByFileName</code>
+      and <code>CodeMirror.findModeByName</code> are provided, which
+      return such an object given a MIME, extension, file name or mode name
+      string. Note that, for historical reasons, this file resides in the
+      top-level <code>mode</code> directory, not
+      under <code>addon</code>. <a href="../demo/loadmode.html">Demo</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_continuecomment"><a href="../addon/comment/continuecomment.js"><code>comment/continuecomment.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Adds a <code>continueComments</code> option, which sets whether the
+      editor will make the next line continue a comment when you press Enter
+      inside a comment block. Can be set to a boolean to enable/disable this
+      functionality. Set to a string, it will continue comments using a custom
+      shortcut. Set to an object, it will use the <code>key</code> property for
+      a custom shortcut and the boolean <code>continueLineComment</code>
+      property to determine whether single-line comments should be continued
+      (defaulting to <code>true</code>).</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_placeholder"><a href="../addon/display/placeholder.js"><code>display/placeholder.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Adds a <code>placeholder</code> option that can be used to
+      make content appear in the editor when it is empty and not
+      focused. It can hold either a string or a DOM node. Also gives
+      the editor a <code>CodeMirror-empty</code> CSS class whenever it
+      doesn't contain any text.
+      See <a href="../demo/placeholder.html">the demo</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_fullscreen"><a href="../addon/display/fullscreen.js"><code>display/fullscreen.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Defines an option <code>fullScreen</code> that, when set
+      to <code>true</code>, will make the editor full-screen (as in,
+      taking up the whole browser window). Depends
+      on <a href="../addon/display/fullscreen.css"><code>fullscreen.css</code></a>. <a href="../demo/fullscreen.html">Demo
+      here</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_autorefresh"><a href="../addon/display/autorefresh.js"><code>display/autorefresh.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>This addon can be useful when initializing an editor in a
+      hidden DOM node, in cases where it is difficult to
+      call <a href="#refresh"><code>refresh</code></a> when the editor
+      becomes visible. It defines an option <code>autoRefresh</code>
+      which you can set to true to ensure that, if the editor wasn't
+      visible on initialization, it will be refreshed the first time
+      it becomes visible. This is done by polling every 250
+      milliseconds (you can pass a value like <code>{delay:
+      500}</code> as the option value to configure this). Note that
+      this addon will only refresh the editor <em>once</em> when it
+      first becomes visible, and won't take care of further restyling
+      and resizing.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_simplescrollbars"><a href="../addon/scroll/simplescrollbars.js"><code>scroll/simplescrollbars.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Defines two additional scrollbar
+      models, <code>"simple"</code> and <code>"overlay"</code>
+      (see <a href="../demo/simplescrollbars.html">demo</a>) that can
+      be selected with
+      the <a href="#option_scrollbarStyle"><code>scrollbarStyle</code></a>
+      option. Depends
+      on <a href="../addon/scroll/simplescrollbars.css"><code>simplescrollbars.css</code></a>,
+      which can be further overridden to style your own
+      scrollbars.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_annotatescrollbar"><a href="../addon/scroll/annotatescrollbar.js"><code>scroll/annotatescrollbar.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Provides functionality for showing markers on the scrollbar
+      to call out certain parts of the document. Adds a
+      method <code>annotateScrollbar</code> to editor instances that
+      can be called, with a CSS class name as argument, to create a
+      set of annotations. The method returns an object
+      whose <code>update</code> method can be called with a sorted array
+      of <code>{from: Pos, to: Pos}</code> objects marking the ranges
+      to be highlighted. To detach the annotations, call the
+      object's <code>clear</code> method.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_rulers"><a href="../addon/display/rulers.js"><code>display/rulers.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Adds a <code>rulers</code> option, which can be used to show
+      one or more vertical rulers in the editor. The option, if
+      defined, should be given an array of <code>{column [, className,
+      color, lineStyle, width]}</code> objects or numbers (which
+      indicate a column). The ruler will be displayed at the column
+      indicated by the number or the <code>column</code> property.
+      The <code>className</code> property can be used to assign a
+      custom style to a ruler. <a href="../demo/rulers.html">Demo
+      here</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_panel"><a href="../addon/display/panel.js"><code>display/panel.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Defines an <code>addPanel</code> method for CodeMirror
+      instances, which places a DOM node above or below an editor, and
+      shrinks the editor to make room for the node. The method takes
+      as first argument as DOM node, and as second an optional options
+      object. The <code>Panel</code> object returned by this method
+      has a <code>clear</code> method that is used to remove the
+      panel, and a <code>changed</code> method that can be used to
+      notify the addon when the size of the panel's DOM node has
+      changed.<br/>
+      The method accepts the following options:
+      <dl>
+        <dt><code><strong>position</strong>: string</code></dt>
+        <dd>Controls the position of the newly added panel. The
+        following values are recognized:
+          <dl>
+            <dt><code><strong>top</strong> (default)</code></dt>
+            <dd>Adds the panel at the very top.</dd>
+            <dt><code><strong>after-top</strong></code></dt>
+            <dd>Adds the panel at the bottom of the top panels.</dd>
+            <dt><code><strong>bottom</strong></code></dt>
+            <dd>Adds the panel at the very bottom.</dd>
+            <dt><code><strong>before-bottom</strong></code></dt>
+            <dd>Adds the panel at the top of the bottom panels.</dd>
+          </dl>
+        </dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>before</strong>: Panel</code></dt>
+        <dd>The new panel will be added before the given panel.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>after</strong>: Panel</code></dt>
+        <dd>The new panel will be added after the given panel.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>replace</strong>: Panel</code></dt>
+        <dd>The new panel will replace the given panel.</dd>
+        <dt><code><strong>stable</strong>: bool</code></dt>
+        <dd>Whether to scroll the editor to keep the text's vertical
+        position stable, when adding a panel above it. Defaults to false.</dd>
+      </dl>
+      When using the <code>after</code>, <code>before</code> or <code>replace</code> options,
+      if the panel doesn't exists or has been removed,
+      the value of the <code>position</code> option will be used as a fallback.
+      <br>
+      A demo of the addon is available <a href="../demo/panel.html">here</a>.
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="addon_hardwrap"><a href="../addon/wrap/hardwrap.js"><code>wrap/hardwrap.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Addon to perform hard line wrapping/breaking for paragraphs
+      of text. Adds these methods to editor instances:
+        <dl>
+          <dt><code><strong>wrapParagraph</strong>(?pos: {line, ch}, ?options: object)</code></dt>
+          <dd>Wraps the paragraph at the given position.
+          If <code>pos</code> is not given, it defaults to the cursor
+          position.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>wrapRange</strong>(from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}, ?options: object)</code></dt>
+          <dd>Wraps the given range as one big paragraph.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>wrapParagraphsInRange</strong>(from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}, ?options: object)</code></dt>
+          <dd>Wraps the paragraphs in (and overlapping with) the
+          given range individually.</dd>
+        </dl>
+        The following options are recognized:
+        <dl>
+          <dt><code><strong>paragraphStart</strong>, <strong>paragraphEnd</strong>: RegExp</code></dt>
+          <dd>Blank lines are always considered paragraph boundaries.
+          These options can be used to specify a pattern that causes
+          lines to be considered the start or end of a paragraph.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>column</strong>: number</code></dt>
+          <dd>The column to wrap at. Defaults to 80.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>wrapOn</strong>: RegExp</code></dt>
+          <dd>A regular expression that matches only those
+          two-character strings that allow wrapping. By default, the
+          addon wraps on whitespace and after dash characters.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>killTrailingSpace</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+          <dd>Whether trailing space caused by wrapping should be
+          preserved, or deleted. Defaults to true.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>forceBreak</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+          <dd>If set to true forces a break at <code>column</code> in the case
+          when no <code>wrapOn</code> pattern is found in the range. If set to
+          false allows line to overflow the <code>column</code> limit if no
+          <code>wrapOn</code> pattern found. Defaults to true.</dd>
+        </dl>
+        A demo of the addon is available <a href="../demo/hardwrap.html">here</a>.
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="addon_scrollpastend"><a href="../addon/scroll/scrollpastend.js"><code>scroll/scrollpastend.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Defines an option `"scrollPastEnd"` that, when set to a
+      truthy value, allows the user to scroll one editor height of
+      empty space into view at the bottom of the editor.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_merge"><a href="../addon/merge/merge.js"><code>merge/merge.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Implements an interface for merging changes, using either a
+      2-way or a 3-way view. The <code>CodeMirror.MergeView</code>
+      constructor takes arguments similar to
+      the <a href="#CodeMirror"><code>CodeMirror</code></a>
+      constructor, first a node to append the interface to, and then
+      an options object. Options are passed through to the editors
+      inside the view. These extra options are recognized:
+        <dl>
+          <dt><code><strong>origLeft</strong></code> and <code><strong>origRight</strong>: string</code></dt>
+          <dd>If given these provide original versions of the
+          document, which will be shown to the left and right of the
+          editor in non-editable CodeMirror instances. The merge
+          interface will highlight changes between the editable
+          document and the original(s). To create a 2-way (as opposed
+          to 3-way) merge view, provide only one of them.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>revertButtons</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+          <dd>Determines whether buttons that allow the user to revert
+          changes are shown. Defaults to true.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>revertChunk</strong>: fn(mv: MergeView, from: CodeMirror, fromStart: Pos, fromEnd: Pos, to: CodeMirror, toStart: Pos, toEnd: Pos)</code></dt>
+          <dd>Can be used to define custom behavior when the user
+          reverts a changed chunk.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>connect</strong>: string</code></dt>
+          <dd>Sets the style used to connect changed chunks of code.
+          By default, connectors are drawn. When this is set
+          to <code>"align"</code>, the smaller chunk is padded to
+          align with the bigger chunk instead.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>collapseIdentical</strong>: boolean|number</code></dt>
+          <dd>When true (default is false), stretches of unchanged
+          text will be collapsed. When a number is given, this
+          indicates the amount of lines to leave visible around such
+          stretches (which defaults to 2).</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>allowEditingOriginals</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+          <dd>Determines whether the original editor allows editing.
+          Defaults to false.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>showDifferences</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+          <dd>When true (the default), changed pieces of text are
+          highlighted.</dd>
+          <dt><code><strong>chunkClassLocation</strong>: string|Array</code></dt>
+          <dd>By default the chunk highlights are added
+          using <a href="#addLineClass"><code>addLineClass</code></a>
+          with "background". Override this to customize it to be any
+          valid `where` parameter or an Array of valid `where`
+          parameters.</dd>
+        </dl>
+        The addon also defines commands <code>"goNextDiff"</code>
+        and <code>"goPrevDiff"</code> to quickly jump to the next
+        changed chunk. <a href="../demo/merge.html">Demo
+        here</a>.</dd>
+      <dt id="addon_tern"><a href="../addon/tern/tern.js"><code>tern/tern.js</code></a></dt>
+      <dd>Provides integration with
+      the <a href="https://ternjs.net">Tern</a> JavaScript analysis
+      engine, for completion, definition finding, and minor
+      refactoring help. See the <a href="../demo/tern.html">demo</a>
+      for a very simple integration. For more involved scenarios, see
+      the comments at the top of
+      the <a href="../addon/tern/tern.js">addon</a> and the
+      implementation of the
+      (multi-file) <a href="https://ternjs.net/doc/demo/index.html">demonstration
+      on the Tern website</a>.</dd>
+    </dl>
+<section id=modeapi>
+    <h2>Writing CodeMirror Modes</h2>
+    <p>Modes typically consist of a single JavaScript file. This file
+    defines, in the simplest case, a lexer (tokenizer) for your
+    language—a function that takes a character stream as input,
+    advances it past a token, and returns a style for that token. More
+    advanced modes can also handle indentation for the language.</p>
+    <p>This section describes the low-level mode interface. Many modes
+    are written directly against this, since it offers a lot of
+    control, but for a quick mode definition, you might want to use
+    the <a href="../demo/simplemode.html">simple mode addon</a>.</p>
+    <p id="defineMode">The mode script should
+    call <code><strong>CodeMirror.defineMode</strong></code> to
+    register itself with CodeMirror. This function takes two
+    arguments. The first should be the name of the mode, for which you
+    should use a lowercase string, preferably one that is also the
+    name of the files that define the mode (i.e. <code>"xml"</code> is
+    defined in <code>xml.js</code>). The second argument should be a
+    function that, given a CodeMirror configuration object (the thing
+    passed to the <code>CodeMirror</code> function) and an optional
+    mode configuration object (as in
+    the <a href="#option_mode"><code>mode</code></a> option), returns
+    a mode object.</p>
+    <p>Typically, you should use this second argument
+    to <code>defineMode</code> as your module scope function (modes
+    should not leak anything into the global scope!), i.e. write your
+    whole mode inside this function.</p>
+    <p>The main responsibility of a mode script is <em>parsing</em>
+    the content of the editor. Depending on the language and the
+    amount of functionality desired, this can be done in really easy
+    or extremely complicated ways. Some parsers can be stateless,
+    meaning that they look at one element (<em>token</em>) of the code
+    at a time, with no memory of what came before. Most, however, will
+    need to remember something. This is done by using a <em>state
+    object</em>, which is an object that is always passed when
+    reading a token, and which can be mutated by the tokenizer.</p>
+    <p id="startState">Modes that use a state must define
+    a <code><strong>startState</strong></code> method on their mode
+    object. This is a function of no arguments that produces a state
+    object to be used at the start of a document.</p>
+    <p id="token">The most important part of a mode object is
+    its <code><strong>token</strong>(stream, state)</code> method. All
+    modes must define this method. It should read one token from the
+    stream it is given as an argument, optionally update its state,
+    and return a style string, or <code>null</code> for tokens that do
+    not have to be styled. For your styles, you are encouraged to use
+    the 'standard' names defined in the themes (without
+    the <code>cm-</code> prefix). If that fails, it is also possible
+    to come up with your own and write your own CSS theme file.<p>
+    <p id="token_style_line">A typical token string would
+    be <code>"variable"</code> or <code>"comment"</code>. Multiple
+    styles can be returned (separated by spaces), for
+    example <code>"string error"</code> for a thing that looks like a
+    string but is invalid somehow (say, missing its closing quote).
+    When a style is prefixed by <code>"line-"</code>
+    or <code>"line-background-"</code>, the style will be applied to
+    the whole line, analogous to what
+    the <a href="#addLineClass"><code>addLineClass</code></a> method
+    does—styling the <code>"text"</code> in the simple case, and
+    the <code>"background"</code> element
+    when <code>"line-background-"</code> is prefixed.</p>
+    <p id="StringStream">The stream object that's passed
+    to <code>token</code> encapsulates a line of code (tokens may
+    never span lines) and our current position in that line. It has
+    the following API:</p>
+    <dl>
+      <dt><code><strong>eol</strong>() → boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns true only if the stream is at the end of the
+      line.</dd>
+      <dt><code><strong>sol</strong>() → boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns true only if the stream is at the start of the
+      line.</dd>
+      <dt><code><strong>peek</strong>() → string</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns the next character in the stream without advancing
+      it. Will return a <code>null</code> at the end of the
+      line.</dd>
+      <dt><code><strong>next</strong>() → string</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns the next character in the stream and advances it.
+      Also returns <code>null</code> when no more characters are
+      available.</dd>
+      <dt><code><strong>eat</strong>(match: string|regexp|function(char: string) → boolean) → string</code></dt>
+      <dd><code>match</code> can be a character, a regular expression,
+      or a function that takes a character and returns a boolean. If
+      the next character in the stream 'matches' the given argument,
+      it is consumed and returned. Otherwise, <code>undefined</code>
+      is returned.</dd>
+      <dt><code><strong>eatWhile</strong>(match: string|regexp|function(char: string) → boolean) → boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Repeatedly calls <code>eat</code> with the given argument,
+      until it fails. Returns true if any characters were eaten.</dd>
+      <dt><code><strong>eatSpace</strong>() → boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Shortcut for <code>eatWhile</code> when matching
+      white-space.</dd>
+      <dt><code><strong>skipToEnd</strong>()</code></dt>
+      <dd>Moves the position to the end of the line.</dd>
+      <dt><code><strong>skipTo</strong>(str: string) → boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Skips to the start of the next occurrence of the given string, if
+      found on the current line (doesn't advance the stream if the
+      string does not occur on the line). Returns true if the
+      string was found.</dd>
+      <dt><code><strong>match</strong>(pattern: string, ?consume: boolean, ?caseFold: boolean) → boolean</code></dt>
+      <dt><code><strong>match</strong>(pattern: regexp, ?consume: boolean) → array&lt;string&gt;</code></dt>
+      <dd>Act like a
+      multi-character <code>eat</code>—if <code>consume</code> is true
+      or not given—or a look-ahead that doesn't update the stream
+      position—if it is false. <code>pattern</code> can be either a
+      string or a regular expression starting with <code>^</code>.
+      When it is a string, <code>caseFold</code> can be set to true to
+      make the match case-insensitive. When successfully matching a
+      regular expression, the returned value will be the array
+      returned by <code>match</code>, in case you need to extract
+      matched groups.</dd>
+      <dt><code><strong>backUp</strong>(n: integer)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Backs up the stream <code>n</code> characters. Backing it up
+      further than the start of the current token will cause things to
+      break, so be careful.</dd>
+      <dt><code><strong>column</strong>() → integer</code></dt>
+      <dd>Returns the column (taking into account tabs) at which the
+      current token starts.</dd>
+      <dt><code><strong>indentation</strong>() → integer</code></dt>
+      <dd>Tells you how far the current line has been indented, in
+      spaces. Corrects for tab characters.</dd>
+      <dt><code><strong>current</strong>() → string</code></dt>
+      <dd>Get the string between the start of the current token and
+      the current stream position.</dd>
+      <dt><code><strong>lookAhead</strong>(n: number) → ?string</code></dt>
+      <dd>Get the line <code>n</code> (&gt;0) lines after the current
+      one, in order to scan ahead across line boundaries. Note that
+      you want to do this carefully, since looking far ahead will make
+      mode state caching much less effective.</dd>
+      <dt id="baseToken"><code><strong>baseToken</strong>() → ?{type: ?string, size: number}</code></dt>
+      <dd>Modes added
+      through <a href="#addOverlay"><code>addOverlay</code></a>
+      (and <em>only</em> such modes) can use this method to inspect
+      the current token produced by the underlying mode.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <p id="blankLine">By default, blank lines are simply skipped when
+    tokenizing a document. For languages that have significant blank
+    lines, you can define
+    a <code><strong>blankLine</strong>(state)</code> method on your
+    mode that will get called whenever a blank line is passed over, so
+    that it can update the parser state.</p>
+    <p id="copyState">Because state object are mutated, and CodeMirror
+    needs to keep valid versions of a state around so that it can
+    restart a parse at any line, copies must be made of state objects.
+    The default algorithm used is that a new state object is created,
+    which gets all the properties of the old object. Any properties
+    which hold arrays get a copy of these arrays (since arrays tend to
+    be used as mutable stacks). When this is not correct, for example
+    because a mode mutates non-array properties of its state object, a
+    mode object should define
+    a <code><strong>copyState</strong></code> method, which is given a
+    state and should return a safe copy of that state.</p>
+    <p id="indent">If you want your mode to provide smart indentation
+    (through the <a href="#indentLine"><code>indentLine</code></a>
+    method and the <code>indentAuto</code>
+    and <code>newlineAndIndent</code> commands, to which keys can be
+    <a href="#option_extraKeys">bound</a>), you must define
+    an <code><strong>indent</strong>(state, textAfter)</code> method
+    on your mode object.</p>
+    <p>The indentation method should inspect the given state object,
+    and optionally the <code>textAfter</code> string, which contains
+    the text on the line that is being indented, and return an
+    integer, the amount of spaces to indent. It should usually take
+    the <a href="#option_indentUnit"><code>indentUnit</code></a>
+    option into account. An indentation method may
+    return <code>CodeMirror.Pass</code> to indicate that it
+    could not come up with a precise indentation.</p>
+    <p id="mode_comment">To work well with
+    the <a href="#addon_comment">commenting addon</a>, a mode may
+    define <code><strong>lineComment</strong></code> (string that
+    starts a line
+    comment), <code><strong>blockCommentStart</strong></code>, <code><strong>blockCommentEnd</strong></code>
+    (strings that start and end block comments),
+    and <code>blockCommentLead</code> (a string to put at the start of
+    continued lines in a block comment). All of these are
+    optional.</p>
+    <p id="electricChars">Finally, a mode may define either
+    an <code>electricChars</code> or an <code>electricInput</code>
+    property, which are used to automatically reindent the line when
+    certain patterns are typed and
+    the <a href="#option_electricChars"><code>electricChars</code></a>
+    option is enabled. <code>electricChars</code> may be a string, and
+    will trigger a reindent whenever one of the characters in that
+    string are typed. Often, it is more appropriate to
+    use <code>electricInput</code>, which should hold a regular
+    expression, and will trigger indentation when the part of the
+    line <em>before</em> the cursor matches the expression. It should
+    usually end with a <code>$</code> character, so that it only
+    matches when the indentation-changing pattern was just typed, not when something was
+    typed after the pattern.</p>
+    <p>So, to summarize, a mode <em>must</em> provide
+    a <code>token</code> method, and it <em>may</em>
+    provide <code>startState</code>, <code>copyState</code>,
+    and <code>indent</code> methods. For an example of a trivial mode,
+    see the <a href="../mode/diff/diff.js">diff mode</a>, for a more
+    involved example, see the <a href="../mode/clike/clike.js">C-like
+    mode</a>.</p>
+    <p>Sometimes, it is useful for modes to <em>nest</em>—to have one
+    mode delegate work to another mode. An example of this kind of
+    mode is the <a href="../mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js">mixed-mode HTML
+    mode</a>. To implement such nesting, it is usually necessary to
+    create mode objects and copy states yourself. To create a mode
+    object, there are <code>CodeMirror.getMode(options,
+    parserConfig)</code>, where the first argument is a configuration
+    object as passed to the mode constructor function, and the second
+    argument is a mode specification as in
+    the <a href="#option_mode"><code>mode</code></a> option. To copy a
+    state object, call <code>CodeMirror.copyState(mode, state)</code>,
+    where <code>mode</code> is the mode that created the given
+    state.</p>
+    <p id="innerMode">In a nested mode, it is recommended to add an
+    extra method, <code><strong>innerMode</strong></code> which, given
+    a state object, returns a <code>{state, mode}</code> object with
+    the inner mode and its state for the current position. These are
+    used by utility scripts such as the <a href="#addon_closetag">tag
+    closer</a> to get context information. Use
+    the <code>CodeMirror.innerMode</code> helper function to, starting
+    from a mode and a state, recursively walk down to the innermost
+    mode and state.</p>
+    <p>To make indentation work properly in a nested parser, it is
+    advisable to give the <code>startState</code> method of modes that
+    are intended to be nested an optional argument that provides the
+    base indentation for the block of code. The JavaScript and CSS
+    parser do this, for example, to allow JavaScript and CSS code
+    inside the mixed-mode HTML mode to be properly indented.</p>
+    <p id="defineMIME">It is possible, and encouraged, to associate
+    your mode, or a certain configuration of your mode, with
+    a <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIME">MIME</a> type. For
+    example, the JavaScript mode associates itself
+    with <code>text/javascript</code>, and its JSON variant
+    with <code>application/json</code>. To do this,
+    call <code><strong>CodeMirror.defineMIME</strong>(mime,
+    modeSpec)</code>, where <code>modeSpec</code> can be a string or
+    object specifying a mode, as in
+    the <a href="#option_mode"><code>mode</code></a> option.</p>
+    <p>If a mode specification wants to add some properties to the
+    resulting mode object, typically for use
+    with <a href="#getHelpers"><code>getHelpers</code></a>, it may
+    contain a <code>modeProps</code> property, which holds an object.
+    This object's properties will be copied to the actual mode
+    object.</p>
+    <p id="extendMode">Sometimes, it is useful to add or override mode
+    object properties from external code.
+    The <code><strong>CodeMirror.extendMode</strong></code> function
+    can be used to add properties to mode objects produced for a
+    specific mode. Its first argument is the name of the mode, its
+    second an object that specifies the properties that should be
+    added. This is mostly useful to add utilities that can later be
+    looked up through <a href="#getMode"><code>getMode</code></a>.</p>
+<section id="vimapi">
+    <h2>VIM Mode API</h2>
+    <p>CodeMirror has a robust VIM mode that attempts to faithfully
+    emulate VIM's most useful features. It can be enabled by
+    including <a href="../keymap/vim.js"><code>keymap/vim.js</code>
+    </a> and setting the <code>keyMap</code> option to
+    <code>"vim"</code>.</p>
+    <h3 id="vimapi_configuration">Configuration</h3>
+    <p>VIM mode accepts configuration options for customizing
+    behavior at run time. These methods can be called at any time
+    and will affect all existing CodeMirror instances unless
+    specified otherwise. The methods are exposed on the
+    <code><strong>CodeMirror.Vim</strong></code> object.</p>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="vimapi_setOption"><code><strong>setOption(name: string, value: any, ?cm: CodeMirror, ?cfg: object)</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>Sets the value of a VIM option. <code>name</code> should
+      be the name of an option. If <code>cfg.scope</code> is not set
+      and <code>cm</code> is provided, then sets the global and
+      instance values of the option. Otherwise, sets either the
+      global or instance value of the option depending on whether
+      <code>cfg.scope</code> is <code>global</code> or
+      <code>local</code>.</dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_getOption"><code><strong>getOption(name: string, ?cm: CodeMirror: ?cfg: object)</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>Gets the current value of a VIM option. If
+      <code>cfg.scope</code> is not set and <code>cm</code> is
+      provided, then gets the instance value of the option, falling
+      back to the global value if not set. If <code>cfg.scope</code> is provided, then gets the <code>global</code> or
+      <code>local</code> value without checking the other.</dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_map"><code><strong>map(lhs: string, rhs: string, ?context: string)</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>Maps a key sequence to another key sequence. Implements
+      VIM's <code>:map</code> command. To map ; to : in VIM would be
+      <code><strong>:map ; :</strong></code>. That would translate to
+      <code><strong>CodeMirror.Vim.map(';', ':');</strong></code>.
+      The <code>context</code> can be <code>normal</code>,
+      <code>visual</code>, or <code>insert</code>, which correspond
+      to <code>:nmap</code>, <code>:vmap</code>, and
+      <code>:imap</code>
+      respectively.</dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_mapCommand"><code><strong>mapCommand(keys: string, type: string, name: string, ?args: object, ?extra: object)</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>Maps a key sequence to a <code>motion</code>,
+      <code>operator</code>, or <code>action</code> type command.
+      The args object is passed through to the command when it is
+      invoked by the provided key sequence.
+      <code>extras.context</code> can be <code>normal</code>,
+      <code>visual</code>, or <code>insert</code>, to map the key
+      sequence only in the corresponding mode.
+      <code>extras.isEdit</code> is applicable only to actions,
+      determining whether it is recorded for replay for the
+      <code>.</code> single-repeat command.
+      <dt id="vimapi_unmap"><strong><code>unmap(lhs: string, ctx: string)</code></strong></dt>
+      <dd>
+      Remove the command <code>lhs</code> if it is a user defined command.
+      If the command is an Ex to Ex or Ex to key mapping then the context
+      must be <code>undefined</code> or <code>false</code>.
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_mapclear"><strong><code>mapclear(ctx: string)</code></strong></dt>
+      <dd>
+      Remove all user-defined mappings for the provided context.
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_noremap"><strong><code>noremap(lhs: string, rhs: string, ctx: {string, array&lt;string&gt;})</code></strong></dt>
+      <dd>
+      Non-recursive map function. This will not create mappings to key maps
+      that aren't present in the default key map.
+      If no context is provided then the  mapping will be applied to each of
+      normal, insert, and visual mode.
+      </dd>
+    </dl>
+    <h3 id="vimapi_events">Events</h3>
+    <p>VIM mode signals a few events on the editor instance. For an example usage, see <a href="https://github.com/codemirror/CodeMirror/blob/5.55.0/demo/vim.html#L101-L110">demo/vim.html#L101</a>.</p>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="vimapi_commanddone"><code><strong>"vim-command-done"</strong> (reason: undefined)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fired on keypress and mousedown where command has completed or no command found.</dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_keypress"><code><strong>"vim-keypress"</strong> (vimKey: string)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fired on keypress, <code>vimKey</code> is in Vim's key notation.</dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_modechange"><code><strong>"vim-mode-change"</strong> (modeObj: object)</code></dt>
+      <dd>Fired after mode change, <code>modeObj</code> parameter is a <code>{mode: string, ?subMode: string}</code> object. Modes: <code>"insert", "normal", "replace", "visual"</code>. Visual sub-modes: <code>"linewise", "blockwise"</code>.</dd>
+    </dl>
+    <h3 id="vimapi_extending">Extending VIM</h3>
+    <p>CodeMirror's VIM mode implements a large subset of VIM's core
+    editing functionality. But since there's always more to be
+    desired, there is a set of APIs for extending VIM's
+    functionality. As with the configuration API, the methods are
+    exposed on <code><strong>CodeMirror.Vim</strong></code> and may
+    be called at any time.</p>
+    <dl>
+      <dt id="vimapi_defineOption"><code><strong>defineOption(name: string, default: any, type: string, ?aliases: array&lt;string&gt;, ?callback: function (?value: any, ?cm: CodeMirror) → ?any)</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>Defines a VIM style option and makes it available to the
+      <code>:set</code> command. Type can be <code>boolean</code> or
+      <code>string</code>, used for validation and by
+      <code>:set</code> to determine which syntax to accept. If a
+      <code>callback</code> is passed in, VIM does not store the value of the
+      option itself, but instead uses the callback as a setter/getter. If the
+      first argument to the callback is <code>undefined</code>, then the
+      callback should return the value of the option. Otherwise, it should set
+      instead. Since VIM options have global and instance values, whether a
+      <code>CodeMirror</code> instance is passed in denotes whether the global
+      or local value should be used. Consequently, it's possible for the
+      callback to be called twice for a single <code>setOption</code> or
+      <code>getOption</code> call. Note that right now, VIM does not support
+      defining buffer-local options that do not have global values. If an
+      option should not have a global value, either always ignore the
+      <code>cm</code> parameter in the callback, or always pass in a
+      <code>cfg.scope</code> to <code>setOption</code> and
+      <code>getOption</code>.</dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_defineMotion"><code><strong>defineMotion(name: string, fn: function(cm: CodeMirror, head: {line, ch}, ?motionArgs: object}) → {line, ch})</strong></code></dt>
+      <dd>Defines a motion command for VIM. The motion should return
+      the desired result position of the cursor. <code>head</code>
+      is the current position of the cursor. It can differ from
+      <code>cm.getCursor('head')</code> if VIM is in visual mode.
+      <code>motionArgs</code> is the object passed into
+      <strong><code>mapCommand()</code></strong>.</dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_defineOperator"><strong><code>defineOperator(name: string, fn: function(cm: CodeMirror, ?operatorArgs: object, ranges: array&lt;{anchor, head}&gt;) → ?{line, ch})</code></strong></dt>
+      <dd>Defines an operator command, similar to <strong><code>
+      defineMotion</code></strong>. <code>ranges</code> is the range
+      of text the operator should operate on. If the cursor should
+      be set to a certain position after the operation finishes, it
+      can return a cursor object.</dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_defineActon"><strong><code>defineAction(name: string, fn: function(cm: CodeMirror, ?actionArgs: object))</code></strong></dt>
+      <dd>Defines an action command, similar to
+      <strong><code>defineMotion</code></strong>. Action commands
+      can have arbitrary behavior, making them more flexible than
+      motions and operators, at the loss of orthogonality.</dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_defineEx"><strong><code>defineEx(name: string, ?prefix: string, fn: function(cm: CodeMirror, ?params: object))</code></strong></dt>
+      <dd>Defines an Ex command, and maps it to <code>:name</code>.
+      If a prefix is provided, it, and any prefixed substring of the
+      <code>name</code> beginning with the <code>prefix</code> can
+      be used to invoke the command. If the <code>prefix</code> is
+      falsy, then <code>name</code> is used as the prefix. <code>
+      params.argString</code> contains the part of the prompted
+      string after the command name. <code>params.args</code> is
+      <code>params.argString</code> split by whitespace. If the
+      command was prefixed with a
+      <code><strong><a href="http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/cmdline.html#cmdline-ranges">line range</a></strong></code>,
+      <code>params.line</code> and <code>params.lineEnd</code> will
+      be set.</dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_getRegisterController"><strong><code>getRegisterController()</code></strong></dt>
+      <dd>Returns the RegisterController that manages the state of registers
+      used by vim mode. For the RegisterController api see its
+      definition <a href="https://github.com/CodeMirror/CodeMirror/blob/b2d26b4ccb1d0994ae84d18ad8b84018de176da9/keymap/vim.js#L1123">here</a>.
+      </dd>
+      <dt id='vimapi_buildkeymap'><strong><code>buildKeyMap()</code></strong></dt>
+      <dd>
+      Not currently implemented. If you would like to contribute this please open
+      a pull request on <a href="https://github.com/codemirror/CodeMirror">GitHub</a>.
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_defineRegister"><strong><code>defineRegister()</code></strong></dt>
+      <dd> Defines an external register. The name should be a single character
+      that will be used to reference the register. The register should support
+      <code>setText</code>, <code>pushText</code>, <code>clear</code>, and <code>toString</code>.
+      See <a href="https://github.com/CodeMirror/CodeMirror/blob/b2d26b4ccb1d0994ae84d18ad8b84018de176da9/keymap/vim.js#L1055">Register</a> for a reference implementation.
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_getVimGlobalState_"><strong><code>getVimGlobalState_()</code></strong></dt>
+      <dd>
+      Return a reference to the VimGlobalState.
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_resetVimGlobalState_"><strong><code>resetVimGlobalState_()</code></strong></dt>
+      <dd>
+      Reset the default values of the VimGlobalState to fresh values. Any options
+      set with <code>setOption</code> will also be applied to the reset global state.
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_maybeInitVimState_"><strong><code>maybeInitVimState_(cm: CodeMirror)</code></strong></dt>
+      <dd>
+      Initialize <code>cm.state.vim</code> if it does not exist. Returns <code>cm.state.vim</code>.
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_handleKey"><strong><code>handleKey(cm: CodeMirror, key: string, origin: string)</code></strong></dt>
+      <dd>
+      Convenience function to pass the arguments to <code>findKey</code> and
+      call returned function if it is defined.
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_findKey"><strong><code>findKey(cm: CodeMirror, key: string, origin: string)</code></strong></dt>
+      <dd>
+      This is the outermost function called by CodeMirror, after keys have
+      been mapped to their Vim equivalents. Finds a command based on the key
+      (and cached keys if there is a multi-key sequence). Returns <code>undefined</code>
+      if no key is matched, a noop function if a partial match is found (multi-key),
+      and a function to execute the bound command if a key is matched. The
+      function always returns true.
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_option_suppressErrorLogging"><code><strong>suppressErrorLogging</strong>: boolean</code></dt>
+      <dd>Whether to use suppress the use of <code>console.log</code> when catching an
+      error in the function returned by <code>findKey</code>.
+      Defaults to false.</dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_exitVisualMode"><strong><code>exitVisualMode(cm: CodeMirror, ?moveHead: boolean)</code></strong></dt>
+      <dd> Exit visual mode. If moveHead is set to false, the CodeMirror selection
+      will not be touched. The caller assumes the responsibility of putting
+      the cursor in the right place.
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="vimapi_exitInsertMode"><strong><code>exitInsertMode(cm: CodeMirror)</code></strong></dt>
+      <dd>
+      Exit insert mode.
+      </dd>
+    </dl>
+<script>setTimeout(function(){CodeMirror.colorize();}, 20);</script>